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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. This announcer has a lot of Dunleavy in him.
  2. I thought it was pretty obvious. Gutsy call by the ref.
  3. Hockey players are sneaky.
  4. We need this thread so Sabres fans have something to talk about?
  5. May God protect me... Garlic powder? Angel hair pasta?
  6. I saw garlic infused EVOO. I am waiting to hear back from my credit union to see if my GIEVOO loan is approved. It was $24 I think.
  7. I agree on both counts. So more salt in the pasta water? And more in the sauce?
  8. I know we've had food/cooking threads and discussions over the years. I wanted to resurrect the old thread to get some advice on making a basic but classic Italian pasta dish called aglio e olio. Figure I would just start a new thread and let it grow from here. What better way to start on a hockey board than with a pasta dish? I've made some version of aglio e olio (garlic and oil), but it never was that great. I watched videos and learned about adding the pasta water to create an emulsion with the EVOO. Still meh. Here is my starting point and let's see if we can make it actually taste good: * I thinly sliced four large cloves of garlic. A lot of the bunches at the store were sprouting but I picked one that wasn't. No idea if my choice was old or if old is good or bad. * I heated up a copious amount of pretty expensive EVOO (Botticelli), careful not to get the oil too hot. * I added the garlic along with a pinch of red pepper flakes. I then added a tablespoon of chopped jarred garlic. * I had Barilla bucatini pasta cooking in a large pot of lightly salted water. * I was watching to make sure the garlic didn't burn. I think I jumped the gun on adding the pasta water (about halfway through the pasta cooking time). The garlic wasn't even golden brown. I added one ladle then maybe that much later on. * I added fine black pepper, a small amount of salt and some dried parsley. The sauce started to look good. It got thicker. * I added the al dente pasta right from the pot to the pan and mixed it in and let it cook a few more minutes. The sauce reduced more. I mean, it was good. But it somehow lacked the garlic flavor I was looking for. The slices were big and I'd find some every third bite. With the pasta being so thick it just didn't come together cohesively. I ate all of it. The garlic finally came through about 1 a.m. Help me. This is missing something. And don't say anchovies.
  9. So that was partly an attempt at humor, but honest to God why would anyone be married to Jeff Skinner at this point. I have to give yall Ras. I would not want to see Peterka go. Everyone else can take a hike. There's nothing to lose.
  10. He's a lazy undisciplined inconsistent me first one zone one trick crybaby who has done nothing but lose his entire career and the punchable face of the drought who picks at imaginary bugs in postgame pressers. I got more.
  11. Gary Player. 1,250 situps a day.
  12. Thorny, you said it yourself. It's not about always winning a trade on paper. It's the net result. You can agree or disagree, but effectively trading Jeff Skinner for nothing is a win in my opinion. And I don't even care if Terry uses the savings for fancy bidet toilets for his yacht staff. As someone posted above, there's no way Lindy is coaching that guy. That's good enough for me. Farewell, flamboyant mohawks and squeaky theatrics.
  13. It begins (and simultaneously ends).
  14. This would be enormous addition by subtraction.
  15. And those who have the heart to teach, who want to teach? IOW the best teachers? Will they just be mercenaries and go work in tech or something? I think in certain fields you want to avoid luring people who are in it for the money. Teaching seems like one of them. And how do we pick professions to be rewarded handsomely? Go watch a CNA do a 12 hour shift in a nursing home for 20 bucks an hour and get back to me.
  16. Are you suggesting someone who would be a teacher for that very fair (IMHO) salary would... What?... Suck?
  17. Some celebrity needs to read Matter's post for posterity. But who?
  18. If you gave a monkey a typewriter, it would never ever ever type those words of the middle graf. There it is. Judge Smell's imprimatur.
  19. Make 'im bleed! Groin 'im in the knee!
  20. No, seriously. I'm pushing 60, the years are rolling by, I have some health issues, and I work with the elderly. I see the end. I am an exasperated Elaine when she finally pulled the pin on the ultimate solution to her stinky hair. Sauce me!
  21. I don't want a thug who beats someone down after Jack Quinn gets murdered. I want a murderer of our own. I will surely clutch my pearls, clench my beehind and look away, but it's absolutely something we don't have and definitely need.
  22. This is potentially epic. As de facto board historian, @That Aud Smell needs to bear witness. Some of us do wear a 60 pound weighted vest. Our torsos.
  23. I've been here since I sucked at SDS' teat and this might be the GPOAT.
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