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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Yesterday, ouevre. Today, tautology and cromulence. Very nice.
  2. I think he was Channel 2's weekend sports anchor for a cup of joe.
  3. What reports say the Sabres have signed the guy? Can we be precise?
  4. Is bot the new troll? My friend you are better than that.
  5. Whose Dan Powers?
  6. The Sabres receive revenue sharing funds, no? So they must either meet the requirement to average at least 75% of the average per game gate around the league or... They qualify for Industry Growth Fund monies to try and grow their revenues, stipulations of which include submitting a three year business plan to the Revenue Sharing Oversight Committee, which CAN oversee and evaluate the plan, which CAN result in revenue sharing going away. If the IGF/RSOC thing was happening, I think we would have heard about it. So it's pretty safe to assume that although the Sabres aren't snowblowing money into HRR, they are doing the minimum ask.
  7. Not sure if Adams is really going after major moves or he's doubling down on the status quo and covering his tracks with a desperate fan base. Heavens, the negativity. I choose not to live like this. It's just a game.
  8. Perhaps drill a little deeper.
  9. Is it Monday afternoon already?
  10. I'm tellin ya this one is going to the High Court. Swamp, ink, probably Woody.
  11. Morgan stipulated a top six acquisition. Morgan... How come that's never been a thing?
  12. Major move as in... Trading the top pick, acquiring Malcovich or initiating the process with JS? That is very thin gruel. You might even need a consenting opinion from Judge Smell.
  13. Lindy. No Skinny. Big hitter from Warshington. Save us, Guelli! #sug
  14. Oh he's in the inner circle alright.
  15. Not sure what's more impressive the leaf overhang or your head of hair.
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