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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Correct. Look at No Goal.
  2. And look at the narcissicism on display by some of the players. You get all the attention. You get all the everything. Give the drunks their moment. One more reason I appreciate hockey players. That scene wouldn't play out in an NHL arena.
  3. So the team isn't choosing. Lindy appears to be evaluating.
  4. I like where MJD is going. I would make it known I am creating a world class space for playoff parties to come. The whole area needs some good old fashioned curb appeal. The front of the arena is so drab... or was the last time I was there.
  5. Why do we do this as Sabres fans? I think we're desperate. Just let it play out a little. Dahlin has to be a Norris winner. Miller had to be elite. In the words of the late great SDS... stop fetching.
  6. Don't say it. Let's not trigger Thorny/Thorner.
  7. I'd like to stop by and calibrate your monitor for you.
  8. What a great man. Good luck in retirement.
  9. The words will come. It's September.
  10. Practicing your mounting and dismounting from a high horse? It's OK. It's camp for us, too.
  11. Jamie liked your bat. Give me a break. It's early (for me). I was goin for somethin.
  12. True dat. But what is tiring is hearing the same talk. Why do KA and LR have to stand before pro players and preach work ethic dedication striving commitment passion yada yada yada? P.S. Lindy did his talking with a reportedly very tough opening practice. So much that it broke Ras. Press your luck for Alex Tuch.
  13. You appear to be right based on several reputable Internet sources from the day. From Die by the Blade: {Update}: This is a permanenet captain as per Lindy Ruff press conference from the Arena. The management and coaching staff decided that there would be one captain for the entire season and then they allowed the players to vote. Rivet was named captain after the players voted him to be captain. ESPN reported it as well.
  14. Lindy chooses, right? Was there a time the players voted?
  15. Good for Tom. I will have no further comment at this time. Please respect my privacy.
  16. So here's an inside look behind the amazing creative genius who churns out one epic comment after another. I was going to write that I see Lindy as a disruptive figure who will not care about the brohood on the team. I was going to write he won't give a flying f if they all go to Ras' house for fat pannies. I stopped at fan pannies. It's been so long I wasn't sure that's what Modo's xmas pancakes were called. So I googled it. As I looked at the result with befuddlement, I heard a distant voice. Sir... Again but louder... SIR. The fella working at the Tim Horton's drivethrough, perched above me with a perfect view of my phone, really wanted me to take my coffee and split. His very likely glimpse into a creative genius' process:
  17. Frank's is vascularly protective. Either the peppers or the vinegar. Docs, tell me I'm wrong. But give me five to see if the Nitro works and I'm not dangerously hypotensive.
  18. It could also make Tuch a bridge captain. Dallers to dewnuts Lindy doesn't see a legit long term captain in this bunch. Yes, I will die on this hill. Also it's the eve of camp. Who's the captain? Is there at least a curl of steam from the new dynamically fastened roof?
  19. He's in the Sabres video on Lindy and he looks great. Go Scotty. Marv too.
  20. Love that beer, bros! Just make sure Dahls gets the keys!
  21. I mean, the thread titles could be unlimited. How many shots will TT block in a PK role? Will Zach Benson have a sophomore slump? I just don't see the point. I want this election to be... I mean season to start already.
  22. Let's see what happens. Are some folks here paid by the thread start?
  23. Everyone is entitled to a defense. We don't convict people on hockey message boards... unless they're meddling.
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