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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. If no one volunteers, I will have to call on someone.
  2. Incel Day is Feb. 15. Check your news feed often.
  3. I'm pretty sure people were worried about the team leaving if OSP sold. Hell, he found a new owner willing to keep the team in Buffalo without even trying. Terry came knocking on the door. Golly gee Terry really wanted to own the Sabres and right quick. What imminent event made him in such a big hurry?
  4. 82+18? They lost TWO playoff games? Egregious.
  5. Honesty? @Sabres Fan in NS Honestly the thing that is keeping me engaged and hopeful is humility of all things. I am deathly afraid of pulling the plug now, then having the daring vision of Tervyn come to fruition. Now, if that doesn't come to pass, and Terry doesn't make the wholesale change he'd clearly need to make, all bets are off. It would be akin to Ralph taking a home game to Trono, a sign he had no interest in winning. That move was the nail in my Bills coffin.
  6. All of the above?
  7. The reason is everything. Good teams and committed owners down through the years have strategically not spent to the cap while waiting for the right time to strike. If I can have my own set of facts: Terry meddles. He hires inexperienced people who both enable his meddling and kneecap themselves in the process. Terry cares, is not absentee and wants to win. He enacted E to the 3 during Covid, but it's not related to the team continuing to spend below the cap. Most likely in my mind the reason is what GMHD said it is. In the end, hats off to Terry for near-criminally mismanaging the team and forcing us to argue amongst ourselves.
  8. So your theory must be the most plausible one?
  9. As long as you admit "Terry is cheap and doesn't care" is itself a conspiracy theory, we are good.
  10. Do I have this right? Not one commercial aviation accident in the US involving a fatality from Colgan Air in 2009 through the beginning of this year. And now FOUR in less than two weeks?
  11. The logic can be circular. Why did the hires not turn out to be the right person? Spoiler alert: GMJB might still be the GM if he didn't quit over OTP meddling.
  12. Who decided to tank? Terry or Darcy? If Terry, was it his decision to make about how to best fulfill his stated mission of winning a Cup? My goodness, this is disheartening, but a sign of the times where people have to defend the fact that the earth is round. Terry can be cheap AND meddle. It also might be GMHD keeping his powder dry.
  13. You oughtta experience Halftime with some 80-100 year olds. "I don't like rap." Go on...
  14. It's sacrosanct. Blocking shots is good. Heroic, even.
  15. OK but even if it's the Sabres losing to the Avs NEXT year?
  16. I'm seeing clips of Chiefs fans crying, holding their heads and the like. Can we even imagine how this is possible? If the Sabres ever won ONE Cup, my school's out forever. They can lose every game thereafter. I will be in Bora Bora.
  17. Good thing for Snuggle Bear, my pet rabbit.
  18. Too lazy to see if someone beat me to it.
  19. GMHD is a keeper. It is our board's top prospect and one day could join the pantheon of Deluca .500, OSP and WTF Wave. But you said it all. TP should not be firing the coach. You apparently think he can and it would be OK.
  20. I been workin on the railroad... I pray that ear worm infects all.
  21. I'll tell you what's cold. Well, you already know but don't seem to care. That and giving up your championship dreams. Oh, I'll be here all day, YOUR DISHONOuR.
  22. Let the DBs do their job. #stayinyourlane #worksmarternotharder
  23. Did you see Josh's reaction to the kids' video? Thankfully someone filmed it. I sure hope when the sick children see his reaction, it will also be recorded.
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