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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Did you hear Emrick call that second goal? About 50% of what he usually put/puts into playoff goal calls. I always felt he and Thorne had it out for Buffalo. And I could prove it if SwampD would do the audio analysis.
  2. At least you're heading in the right direction. As Ogre enters the medical history books as the first person to perform his own colonoscopy. We have bad hombres, and we have tough hombres.
  3. What those three wise men above me said. chz will be fine.
  4. This was the beginning of the Dead Puck era (goals per game went from 7.3 in 92-93 to 6.5 that season) and the first year of the conference playoff format. The Sabres had the best penalty killing and second-best power play.
  5. Yeah, I dunno about that. I'd been driving for several weeks.
  6. Not you lol. The Surgeon General. I am so confused.
  7. No, I was basically mocking someone who apparently does.
  8. Would you stop doing that? Get your little bee-hind in your house and stay there.
  9. It's clear to me we need to go back to the peachy/salmon colored strip above the lower bowl. Sorry, Ted.
  10. Easy one, as the results are showing. The tougher question this brings up is are the two on the same team timeline, and if not wouldn't it be logical to trade one of them? I've never been able to convince myself Eichel and Dahlin can be in their primes together. There's a good chance Eichel is departing his prime while Dahlin is entering his. That's not to say a still very good Eichel on a team-friendly contract can't be a huge contributor to a Cup with Dahlin winning Norri. But then you need Cozens to be in his prime and a true 1C. For those of us who are old and nearing retirement homes, trading Dahlin is a perty tempting idea. Win now! #fourminutesclosertoreopeningthecountry
  11. "Other" sneaking in and attacking us without warning — who knew something like this could happen!? It's on point anyway. This is fair. It should be obvious when comparing the total cases and total deaths that the recovery rate is extraordinarily high, but it wouldn't hurt to emphasize that somehow in the graphics. I'd also suggest a slight change to the language. Instead of Total Cases I'd say Total Known Cases. They should be pushing the fact that the true number of cases is much higher (OTOH the number of deaths is also undercounted). Chris Cuomo is probably the poster boy for what you're talking about. I think he's hamming it up pretty good. "The beast comes at night." He's still doing his show. He still looks better than I've ever looked on my best day. The other night he said something like, "Covid 19 is for real, folks. Now you know if you get this, you're in for a battle. You're going to suffer." It wasn't a good journalistic thing to say.
  12. That's terrible news. I'm sorry. It sounds like you were very lucky to have the father and sister you did.
  13. I have a tromboner.
  14. Does this feel like the "worst" and "saddest" week we've ever had as Americans? It feels like two weeks ago to me, only with more deaths. It's probably my sociopathic tendencies acting up. Remember Woody's complaint about how the pandemic is being covered in a negative and sensational way? This time it was the Surgeon General who made those remarks, as well as saying this week would be like Pearl Harbor and 9/11. My suspicion is that human beings have an innate ability to process and weather these things, then move on to the NHL playoffs. We had to have this ability to get out of the Stone Age, I imagine. SabreTooth took your family — OK, what's for dinner?
  15. I can't remember how I spell my name anymore, but believe it or not I remember that comment!
  16. I know. You know what all this feels like to me? There's a massive buildup to a monster hurricane, but as soon as it hits, we're ready to move on to something else. Let's get through wave 1 of a worldwide pandemic first. You all can discuss how on earth the NHL manages to award a Cup this year. I am done. And I'm taking my ball.
  17. Al Smith has to be up there.
  18. That's all fine. I want Bettman and the board of governors and players to weigh the health risk to each respective NHL city, that's all. Not West Bumblefudge, where the men are men and the sheep are scared.
  19. You know who's taking credit for that testing ramp-up? Government. Probably rightly so. Government paid for it, ordered it, administered it etc. The NIH is government. Your NY County Health Department is government. Universities get funding from the government. But I'll change my wording. I'm not confident that the system can get that many people tested. Of course I don't know what number that is. I do care where that testing will occur. I seriously doubt it will make its way to my remote PA county with 43,000 people. And re-opening the country, according to Dr. Birx, relies on every nook and cranny of the country having the ability to test. Test, locate, quarantine, contact trace — containment and not mitigation. That all has to happen by the time wants to hang the shingle back up. End of April, I'm guessing.
  20. I'll think about it. But nobody really knows how this thing is going to play out in the next couple of months. The pandemic won't be over, we know that. The thing I can't process at the moment is the idea of having games in "safe" places. Safe for whom? The players? The residents of the communities? The people who will have to work at these events? If it's still unsafe in NHL cities, that answers your question about the wisdom of playing in North Dakota. Do it at MSG then.
  21. I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around the whole thing. We're talking August, right? If the country's on a more normal footing by then, what's the need to have games in remote locations? Why not Boston or Toronto? It smacks of something unsavory. Let's take it out to the sticks. When we finally get through this, if I live in Lake Placid, I'm not rolling out the welcome mat for a big hockey tournament. Remember, the virus isn't going to be defeated until enough people are immune from vaccination or the disease itself. That won't be August.
  22. Not to put words in inkman's mouth, but I think the question is: why is the NHL even thinking about finishing this season? Of course they have to think about the future. That future should be training camp in September.
  23. Again I ask where all the tests are going to come from to test the baseball players and staff. Naive question, right?
  24. It's a hobby for most of the owners, like Terry. They make some, they lose some, there's a huge cashout when they sell, like OSP. The idea they have to somehow, some way re-open the business to survive is off the mark. They're not the corner bakery. Right, let's rush to support the Pegulas. It's mind-boggling.
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