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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Well, I don't think there are 10 important hits in team history. Schoeny's hit was important for a young team seeking respect, yada yada yada. I think the rest would be biggest hits. But not a lot seem to be memorable. I remember Peca as a big hitter, but I can't see any of them in my mind's eye. I'm not into that sort of thing though. I suspect Swampy is onto something. This franchise really hasn't been known for that kind of thing.
  2. Great idea. I have balsamic vinegar and EVOO.
  3. I don't see how this gets, legitimately, to 10.
  4. Dunno. Any of your home chefs want to help me make something good out of two cans of albacore tuna, sharp cheddar cheese, white rice, black beans, chick peas, butter, ziti pasta, angel hair pasta, a sweet onion, mayo, canned peppers, garlic, pasta sauce, bread crumbs... uh... bbq sauce, woostahshah sauce, soy milk, eggs, flour, vegetable bouillon, mustard, olives, grated cheese. @Weave?
  5. I think that'll be coming sooner than later. Hopefully you're in a good position to get tested, working in healthcare in NYC area.
  6. Do you think it's Covid?
  7. I can't believe planet earth got its assed kicked by a cat toy.
  8. Captain Tuttle and I will be doing some forest bathing under a majestic white pine.
  9. Reinforcements. Thank God. Neo has been rag-dolling me like I'm Claude Lemieux.
  10. We could start with those lists of essential businesses. A professional sporting event wouldn't even be legal right now in most places in this country without a waiver. Thank you. On Golden Pond was good.
  11. Nothing is free. He pays the bills and we provide the content. It's an interesting arrangement. I made the best pancakes of my life this morning. You know what the key ingredient turned out to be? Vinegar. The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
  12. Got ya. I still don't think it changes my argument. Add "and players" to "owners." I don't see how the league determined that fans want it to happen. I think we're all experiencing this pandemic in different ways. Hockey is the last thing on my mind. And always is in August in a good year.
  13. Come on now. What really happened?
  14. I knew something was bugging me about the thread title. This game was/is in Philly.
  15. It doesn't change my argument that much. It's still an unnecessary money grab by the league and such a bad look for them. Not sure what your point is re: players. Do you think they need the money? As for the last sentence, not me. You couldn't pay me to watch a game right now, and as for August — yuck. October sounds awesome though. Normalcy.
  16. Did you advise the Mitt Romney campaign? Corporations Are People has nothing on We're All The 1%! It might be useful to remind you and others what set you off in the first place. I criticized big business like the airlines needing a bailout literally days into an albeit precipitous drop in revenues, and the NHL, with 31 filthy rich owners, feeling the need to send their players from stricken large cities into the heartland in the midst of a pandemic so a hockey season could be completed and some money could come in. Neither entity, apparently, could prepare for a rainy day, or pull themselves up by their bootstraps, or be rugged and self-sufficient — the kind of junk the wealthy class talks about ALL THE TIME while the lobby the government to reduce the social safety net. I don't know why you'd have a problem with any of that, or why you'd resort to a strawman argument ("class warfare" "hey, you could be living in Botswana"). You're better than that.
  17. Just don't let your guard down. Do everything you were doing before and realize the mask isn't going to help that much to prevent you from getting infected. It'll protect others more than you. But like they say, something is better than nothing.
  18. Did you hear Emrick call that second goal? About 50% of what he usually put/puts into playoff goal calls. I always felt he and Thorne had it out for Buffalo. And I could prove it if SwampD would do the audio analysis.
  19. At least you're heading in the right direction. As Ogre enters the medical history books as the first person to perform his own colonoscopy. We have bad hombres, and we have tough hombres.
  20. What those three wise men above me said. chz will be fine.
  21. This was the beginning of the Dead Puck era (goals per game went from 7.3 in 92-93 to 6.5 that season) and the first year of the conference playoff format. The Sabres had the best penalty killing and second-best power play.
  22. Yeah, I dunno about that. I'd been driving for several weeks.
  23. Not you lol. The Surgeon General. I am so confused.
  24. No, I was basically mocking someone who apparently does.
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