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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Stoner

    OT - Comedy

    Anyone been to the new(ish) National Comedy Center in Jamestown?
  2. Creative destruction!
  3. Pegula-Benson-Black-Sawyer-Battista. The black and gold tank crew. I'll never believe the tank was his idea. In fact, he explicitly said how far the rebuild was going to go would be up to Terry. Why Darcy left or was fired or whatever is still an open question — "he was doing too good a job at tanking" never made sense to me.
  4. Does Muckler get credit for the Hasek trade? Darcy additions after the division championship team of 96-97 through the finals team: Rhett Warrener Stu Barnes Joey Juneau Geoff Sanderson James Patrick Jason Woolley
  5. Of course I didn't watch. Apparently lots of other people are like me. Ratings are low. Maybe it should be a small clue to the NHL that folks aren't all hockey-starved and praying the playoffs can take place at Area 51 or whatever site they're looking at.
  6. The lead researcher at the NIH disagrees. I think the old sales adage of underpromising and overdelivering applies here. Way too much wealth is at stake. We'll be jabbed in time for Turkey Day! How the ***** would a vaccine help someone who's already infected? Expect you don't know much about immunology. Am I doing this right?
  7. He told me he'd take me to the carnival after he ***** my mom and he didn't. OK? You happy?
  8. In times of pandemic or world health, can always rely on you to keep it classy.
  9. I'm a dum-dum when it comes to money. But if you have several billion dollars, why wouldn't you just stick it in the bank or do something safe with it?
  10. I don't know anything about finance. I'd still be shocked if the Pegulas personally have financial problems. Maybe it's more like they've decided to go all-in on the idea of running the teams as businesses.
  11. Did you become a Pens fan at any point? Your honour, I rest my case.
  12. I might watch this one. When Dumont fluttered that one in, oh then did I believe!
  13. This would be great clickbait. You won't believe what behavior was REALLY forbidden in the Bible! Click here to find out!
  14. As Terry said, "I'm a football guy" there just happened to be a hockey team for sale first (paraphrase, and yes I can get the actual quote/link). I'm pretty much convinced buying the Sabres was prelude to getting the Bills, establish your cred so to speak. I don't think Terry's a good enough actor to fake the reaction to seeing Perreault. It was a great moment. I don't believe, however, his passion for the Sabres lasted beyond the time he lived in Buffalo. There's no other explanation for not knowing the team was for sale in 2002. For the uninitiated folks who didn't subscribe to my free newsletter, when asked why he didn't buy the Sabres the first time around, he said he didn't have the money and he didn't know they for sale anyway. Terry as superfan who bought his team was and remains a crock.
  15. Stop harshing my outrage/hopefulness! Yeah, I mean how do you even go about hiring a new GM right now anyway? Terry's flip phone won't do Zoom.
  16. Tautness! @New Scotland (NS)
  17. The lead NIH researcher working on a vaccine said on CNN that "if everything goes well," an emergency use vaccine would be available to healthcare workers and first responders in the fall with the goal of innoculating everyone around the world by spring of 2021. Wouldn't that be something!
  18. So Terry's original notion that "there's no salary cap on scouting" etc. etc. has gone away?
  19. Almost everyone who's done it will tell you that doing good is its own form of therapy. Chicken and egg, I guess. Religion as a means to an end doesn't quite cut it for me. Walking and sometimes pretending I'm a runner always put me in a good place mentally. I wouldn't call it a religion. Randall can cite how people turn to religion in times of personal crises, and it helps. So does drinking, doing drugs and eating pastries (yes, all at the same time).
  20. I'm trying to remember if it was @dudacek or @Brawndo who offered a theory that Botterill's ability to increase internal spending had been reduced. On what, I don't recall. Analytics, maybe.
  21. Of all the human energy that is spent thinking about religion, and attending religious events (events, for lack of a better word), and praying, and putting religious beliefs into practice ("doing good"), what percentage is taken up by "doing good"? My guess is a very small percentage. Meanwhile, those who focus on doing good and none of the other stuff will burn in hell forever, forced to watch Lucic, Hull and Leino's OT goal on an eternal loop.
  22. The White House was given "bad news" last week about antibody tests, namely that some of the tests already out there are "crappy" and reliable tests are still a work in progress; also, the question of whether having had Covid-19 confers immunity/enough immunity remains the "$64 question."* https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/14/health/coronavirus-antibody-tests-scientists/index.html *"$64 question" is a reference to a 1940s radio game show, for those who don't remember. I surely do. My kids loved it.
  23. Stoner

    OT - Comedy

    He rolled a joint into a tortilla shape? I think I prefer Billy Connolly.
  24. How does one wear a surgical mask wrong? I thought it was so easy a caveman could do it. As to the last comment, I don't think that's fair. People have been making masks for HCWers by the millions. I hope they don't have to be used and that they're the last resort in a hospital, but lots of people are showing how much they care in actual deeds. And remember that anyone who's social distancing in any way is doing it ultimately because we know hospitals (and staff) can't get overwhelmed. As for N95 masks, are people supposed to surrender the one or two they might have sitting around to the hospital?
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