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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. If there is some kind of cataclysm (if?!), that should be the sole remaining inkman post. Scholars for centuries can have some real fun with it.
  2. To challenge some of this: How do you know there aren't buyers? People want to own pro sports teams. I think the concern is whether the Sabres will continue to spend freely. Kim talked about the Sabres being viable and sustainable going forward. Those are some pretty strong code words. The idea of an unlimited front office budget also had been brought into question even before this pandemic. Almost 10 years in, it's hard to have any confidence in their decision-making. You can hope, sure.
  3. In other words... nah, too easy.
  4. Interesting. What is your metric? Members? Members who post? Number of posts?
  5. That is correct and it will even bear at least one signature.
  6. @inkman do you want this one?
  7. Except that if you didn't get a refund you have to provide the IRS with your direct deposit info. They won't use your bank info. from any payments made.
  8. Will advertisers be lining up for the broadcasts?
  9. To quote the great Roby, the whole thing is a hound's breakfast — of everything. It's horrifying, and fascinating. We'll be OK, the vast majority of us anyway. We're just stupid animals, remember that. People will look back in 200, 400 years and be absolutely mystified and probably very amused.
  10. I kind of doubt it's shyness, as anyone can have "Internet muscles." If I had to guess, a lot of people are only interested in perusing the board for information, not for conversation. It's almost a news site. It's how I use it sometimes. It's so crowd-sourced, you won't miss any major Sabres news. I like the critical mass of posters that we have. If we have a lot more posters, it becomes less manageable. I wouldn't want this to be TSW. Anymore, you mean? Because SS has grown a lot over the years. There were game threads during the good old days with 60 posts.
  11. Not in Georgia, where the governor said no county or municipality could enact stricter guidelines than he was issuing. Of course that's not an issue of federalism.
  12. I know I'm full of BS, so there's little certitude. Look into it. I have some literature if you're interested.
  13. Complicating the re-opening issue:
  14. A lot, maybe most, of the economy that had to shut down relies on a customer or client who is willing to walk back in the doors. Without safeguards, confidence and a lot more testing, that's going to be a tough sell. Whatever metric you want to use, it makes sense to see that bad things have been declining for a while (White House put out a 14-day period) before you ease into re-opening. Anybody up for getting a tattoo in Atlanta?
  15. In other words, he or she will fit right in.
  16. But not a superyacht. I know you're better than that.
  17. Good point. He started out hiring friends — his accountant, his PSU pal. And it was his accountant who hooked Terry up with Penguin contacts. Good ole boys.
  18. They're allowed to have a new superyacht. I'm allowed to say that it is morally, socially, ethically, economically, environmentally, and several other -llies I can't think of, unconscionable. Don't you worry about how I read the article for free.
  19. Wow, those are some pretty impressive bars to have to hurdle. Give them time. I can already, on a hunch, check off a few of those boxes. Mayor Black anyone? That one brilliant Athletic story reveals a lot about these people. What part of superyacht and family lifestyle don't you understand?
  20. I can't have an informed view of their charitable activities? Do you think they've given away significant amounts of money without making sure everyone knows about it? Is it Nittany Arena in State College or is it named something else? nfreeman, as to any personal Covid-related donation you think the Pegulas made, be careful. PSE, not the Pegulas, donated some money. We don't know how much. The teams' foundations kicked in the rest. Most of it, if I had to guess.
  21. It's not so funny to remember how Kim laughed off her office nickname a few years ago: the black widow. These people are toxic. There's no other word for it. And as for "good people" — show me. Have very fortunate multibillionaires ever done so little for so few? Spare me with sports. Go build a children's hospital.
  22. That's kind of the only justification left, I'd say. The old "it'll never be about money again" appears to be gone. OSP reportedly didn't want to sell until Terry came along, and then he sold the team with the contractual condition that the team would not move. Should the Pegulas decide to sell, I have to assume they would put the same condition on a sale. And that's without the league having its say about keeping a franchise in Buffalo. However — it feels like things are shifting under our collective feet, so who knows if old assumptions still hold.
  23. Did you miss the "if"? Or do you need to know how this fantasy would actually work? Let's say you are the unseen hand directing all things Sabre — the Illumisabri.
  24. Scum. "I was up at my lake in the Adirondacks." Bag.
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