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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Just leave on the mask. Social distancing doesn't mean avoiding people and never did. There never was a lockdown. We're not Spain. In supporting business be creative. Place your order on Home Depot's site and have them bring the order out. Leaning in and sniffing hair is out, for now. Welcome to Mrs. Neo's world. (I'm a chrome dome too, so the joke is allowed.) It's such balancing act. If the virus peaks again the economy will suffer. People will put their own stay at home orders in place.
  2. Your analogy is off. The NBA contained the virus in its ranks by closing. Now to re-open they want to secure precious and limited tests to make sure those returning aren't sick. And they have to keep testing everyone, maybe even on a daily basis. It's what every nursing home wants to do to keep thousands of residents from dying. But the tests are either not available or not affordable. The NBA knows the PR predicament it's in.
  3. Which means herd immunity is not to be relied on either. Wonder where folks would get the idea that wearing a mask isn't necessary... lessen yer a libtard or a fairy.
  4. What if the murder hornets are using the snow as a disguise?
  5. The moment Gort realized he'd never lick a *****.
  6. I reached down. There was nothing there.
  7. Dr. Fauci hates modeling of pandemics.
  8. Stoner

    Don Shula

    I never hated the guy. More like feared and respected. The face is just seared into the brains of Bills fans of a certain age. How it tortured us and then how we delighted in torturing it. My dad used to get so mad during Bills Dolphins games. "He's got the refs in his pocket!" Good times. Thanks for the memories, Don.
  9. It's Groundhog Day. Meanwhile TBN is doing a best Sabres team poll. Creative.
  10. Are you saying the measures NY put in place are at one extreme? I don't think your freedom of movement was restricted. And what is the basis for thinking once you reach peak you can take off masks? The virus is not going away. Mind boggling isn't it?
  11. They should. But they need to take the same risk everyone else is or soon will be taking.
  12. You can probably relax. The Woodyites and the economy are winning out. The federal guidelines on gating and phases are being ignored by many states. That plan was a good one. Once you get your new cases way down you can do the human detective work, the contact tracing. You can't do it if you have hundreds or thousands of new cases.
  13. Contact tracing has been a staple of public health for decades. Maybe it needs a rebranding, but all it means is you're notified if you were in close contact with someone who's tested positive. You don't get their name. Don't you want that?
  14. I bet I can sneak this one in while moderators snore. I haven't seen one person of color protesting the state "shutdowns." Funny how once the story became how the virus was disproportionately killing black and brown people white folks started pouring into the streets. Clever one, that Stephen Miller. For @Neohttps://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/us/connecticut-town-grounds-drone-program-to-fight-coronavirus-amid-outcry.amp
  15. True. The NBA's sensitivity to public opinion is bad news for people who think they're going to be celebrating a Sabres Cup win on Zoom. I don't see a scenario in the near future where everyone who needs a test or truly deserves a test can get one and testing of pro athletes isn't a scandal. Remember that the White House plan is to also do widespread testing of vulnerable communities. Lebron's gonna have a long wait.
  16. NBA tells teams to stop testing asymptomatic players. https://sports.yahoo.com/report-nba-tells-teams-to-stop-arranging-coronavirus-tests-for-asymptomatic-players-141205662.html
  17. Damn you. I was going to suggest something like this last night but lost me nerve.
  18. Dylan Larkin?
  19. What recent Hart winner most resembles Jack's situation?
  20. Impressive. I'm not sure I've heard of a built-in dresser.
  21. One thing to consider is how empty the experience would be. No home games. No parties in the plaza. No parade. If an NHL postseason comes to pass, it will be for one reason only: the league needs the money that badly. Sad all the way around.
  22. Is this going to be a patented Neo drive-by or do you wanna put some meat on the bone? Where else are you going to get that kind of invite on a Friday night? I see heavily armed, uniformed gentlemen citizens shouting directly into the faces of police officers in Michigan. And those surgical masks aren't really designed to protect the wearer. You could charge the fine young man with attempted murder, but in Michigan they were given a very long leash. Is this about stay at home orders, which weren't really that at all? Religious gatherings? The two Porterhouse limit?
  23. Coronaviruses have been around a long time.
  24. And in the meantime if someone has any Covid symptoms, even if it seems unlikely, how are they handled?
  25. How long does it take for Covid testing to come back? Is it still many days?
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