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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. True. I want to tho. It makes me happy.
  2. So here's the deal. I canceled and got a refund from Google Pay for the MSG+ sub I ordered on the app. (After ordering it, I still had no access to content.) I tried to reorder on the app without using Google Pay, but there appeared to be no other option. I was able to order on the website without using Google Pay and now have access! It's smooth sailing from here. Titanic wreckage here I come.
  3. Reminds me ... clean out the longtime trainers and equipment managers and all the other straphangers (great term) who I'm convinced spread the rot from one group of players to the next. Start with the clowns behind the bench. Why new coaches saddle themselves with these people is beyond me. They have the players' ears!
  4. Bettman: You get the Sabres, but... Terry: Are you kidding? Hecks yeah. I'd sell my sister to be an NFL owner. That's as bleak as I can get. I don't think there's any unintentional way to do what has been done to the Sabres.
  5. Blue Ball and Intercourse.
  6. Maybe. But this would a real change in Terry's MO. Just wondering how you came to this conclusion.
  7. Why not? Are you tying it to Economic Efficient Effective? The pandemic changed Terry? Starting today, KA is the manager?
  8. He is the company tho. He'd have to tell CEO Pete to do it. But he hired Pete.
  9. Yes but do you flip?
  10. Terry has to hire the consultant. It's a vicious cycle. Or a Catch 22. One of them things.
  11. Heads the Sabres are sold and moved to Houston never to return. Tails the Sabres are sold to an obscure Manitoba donut king and he is the one we have been waiting for... a Cup (Stanley to be precise) in Year Three. Do you flip?
  12. How handcuffed is he by E to the 3? And why does he like to be handcuffed? Just to be an NHL GM?
  13. No just low on garlic cheese curds. Yes I will leave the store with several containers jammed up my ass.
  14. I will be in Cuba next week. Rome in a month.
  15. He loves the Sabres. He is a huge fan... he had seasons in the Aud! He grew up a Sabres fan in Scranton. I've challenged these notions (the last one was easy to disprove as Terry himself said he became a Sabres fan when he moved to Olean after college in 1975). I came to the conclusion he is a fluid fan who has liked other teams (Pens are a no brainer). He was interested in the Sabres until he wasn't (he admitted he didn't know the Sabres were for sale after the Rigas crisis; tell me what kind of fan didn't know this was happening). I also came to the conclusion he bought the Sabres to grease the skids on a Bills bid. If there's any doubt left... how can you say you're a fan, that you love the team, and not admit you have destroyed it and someone else should step in? Only arrogance explains it.
  16. There's no monopoly on hockey IQ.
  17. Terry for some reason also gets credit for Canalside. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but he has had little to nothing to do with it.
  18. I'm listening to Dan on the radio. I must have missed them.
  19. Well they did hit the post with a clear shot at an empty net.
  20. Can someone let me know if Duff cackles and if so how many times?
  21. I couldn't quite find the words. Shallow grave was going to be in my response. Thank you for saying it so I don't have to.
  22. Srsly. Aren't people tired of getting gaslit even re: Sabres hockey? It's all over our society.
  23. "It's gonna take some time." It begins.
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