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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Canada geese are pretty much unmistakably geese. As for all the rest, I might only be one step ahead of nfreeman. Ospreys vs. eagles can be a little tricky too.
  2. Every third one is a goose.
  3. I was going to say it's in Hutton's interest to get his eye story out to convince the Sabres they don't need to sign a UFA, but that doesn't make sense. The Sabres already knew about it. Who are Hutton and his agent communicating with by getting this story out? (Lance Lysowski billed the story as an "exclusive," so I guess there's always a chance Lance got wind of it, worked his sources, confirmed the story and told Hutton and his agent he had the story and asked for comment.)
  4. If you're oat and aboat give a honk for the duck! Doesn't have quite the same ring to it.
  5. I wonder why it spontaneously appeared in November at age 33. October, he was fine. My guess would be Bales in near exasperation said, "Dude, go get your eyes checked" and the exam found something he's probably had since childhood. But if "rehabbing" it makes him more confident, that's good. Goalies are weird. Not breaking news.
  6. Indeed. Thoughts and prayers (retrospectively). Hasn't anybody googled this yet?
  7. That sounds like BS.
  8. Swamp, I've probably written a million words on here, so maybe I'm just out. But I can't find the right one for that video. Let's go with awesome! The musicians were out last night.
  9. My dad was a produce manager and went on to work for a grocery wholesaler in the southern tier. I have a vague memory of taking a day trip with him one day when I was pretty young through what I think he called "Muckland." I remember him talking about the soil. South of Rochester somewhere, I think. Funny memory to come back all of a sudden. Muckland.
  10. @inkman
  11. Antipathy is a deep-seated feeling of dislike. I don't think my feelings about OSP went to that level. I am antipathetic towards TP for sure. Trust was never really the issue either. Like many fans (most?), I thought he was cheap. The co-captains, video scouting, not spending to the cap, keeping a status-quo GM, LQ of course, those were the issues. The day Harrington got Tom so flustered he blurted out that he gave Larry and Darce only one edict: at least break even was one of the greatest days of my life, right up there with the day my second wife, Vivian, died in a suspicious car crash. With time feelings are smoothed out. We do it with presidents. Jimmy Carter was probably a disaster, but most remember him kindly enough. He restored a sense of decency to the White House and not one bullet was fired in anger during his term (most think some should have been, sure). It's like that with Tom. I mainly remember him now as the guy who truly saved the Sabres and brought, some how, some way, good times. He admitted not knowing a hockey puck from a meatball, yet a few years later he was standing with his hands on his head after Briere scored in OT in Game 6. That's my enduring image of him. Then... he went and sold the Sabres for much less than he could have gotten while putting a no-move clause in the contract. Sitting here in 2020, my feelings about him 10 and 15 years ago cannot lead me to believe he was still a bum in February 2011.
  12. Confirmed that Mike is about 43 and Laura is about 38 (couldn't nail down the exact birthdate). Their time is now!
  13. He's angry when he's beautiful.
  14. While the Pegulas selling the team is my top choice, I'd accept the two adult kids taking over as acceptable. I'm guessing they're in their late 30s, early 40s. If they did a good job, they could be grooming the youngest trio to one day take over. I have no idea where they live and what their lives are like, but in as much as both are hockey fans (and at least one of them in said to be a big Sabres fan), it's hard to believe they would turn down the offer. Either way, hey hey, ho ho, Terry Pegula has got to go.
  15. I've acknowledged it, several times. I even wrote that Terry is almost everything you want in an owner — except for the meddling, the not hiring good people and getting out of the way. People can say he's changed, that he's focused on the Bills, then I hear about him watching game film and calling JB up to three times a day. Parole is denied ipso facto (U.S. vs. Soupy Sales circa 1975, Peoples Court that lady with the broken bird feeder).
  16. Aha! NS, of course! I'd love for you to expound on this, as this financial dum dum never understood how the Pegulas were reduced to eating boxed macaroni and cheese (which is better than any mac and cheese anywhere, any time).
  17. It was a good goal!
  18. This is from the story linked above that you claimed to have read:
  19. We've gone back and forth on the non-movement clause. nfreeman will never accede to it, so there's confusion, then we move on. In the interest of clarity, I think there are two questions here with fairly simple answers. 1. Why are the Sabres still in Buffalo? They're still here because Golisano stepped up when they were in dire straits (bankrupt and supported by the league, which didn't want them to move, but the first potential buyer was not viable, which took all bets off the table), then he sold the team to people who would never move the team. The contract stipulation seems almost moot. I just cringe at the common sentiment that although the Pegulas are terrible owners, "they kept the Sabres in Buffalo." The implication is that the team was in danger of relocating. It's almost like people mix up the events surrounding the sale of the team to Golisano and then his sale to Pegula. Terry approached Golisano, through Quinn. The Sabres were not in dire straits and in danger of moving. 2. Could the Sabres be moved by the Pegulas using some contract loophole? The answer to that is, no one knows for sure. So I guess in the end I agree with nfreeman, but the confusion need not exist. The existence of some loophole shouldn't lead to credit to the Pegulas for not using it.
  20. You nailed it in the last sentence. As Terry said in 2015, "I'm perceived as being a hockey guy ahead of football; there just happened to be a hockey team in sale four years ago in town that preceded the availability of the Bills. I'm a football guy." IMVHO, Terry buys the Sabres as prelude to buying the Bills. Establish his bona fides.
  21. I ventured into town today to get a cheeseburger off a food cart in our town square dedicated to veterans. The cheeseburger chatter yesterday planted a seedburger. I told the proprietor how good that area of town is looking after last year's streetscape and this spring's cleanup. "Yeah, the protesters walked right through here. I kept an eye on 'em to make sure they didn't mess with the monuments," he said. Hoo boy, here we go. "It was peaceful though," I said. "Very," he replied. "I even thanked them for what they're doing." He talked about the "poor guy" who was "murdered" and expressed outrage at the rioters and looters, noting that a just cause was being hijacked. I was a little surprised. And proud. My town is woke! Buoyant and not wanting to press the topic, I told him how much I've missed his food. "Yeah me too. This ***** fake virus." Cue the Curb music.
  22. I gave up two lines above paydirt. Attention span of a gnat.
  23. Before I commit... @john wawrow
  24. Where does your confidence come from? Were you confident it was Larry Quinn and not Tom Golisano who confirmed the no-move clause in the contract?
  25. They are contractually bound to keep the Sabres in Buffalo.
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