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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Good stuff. But your path to success seems like a fantasy if you don't think the owners can figure it out any time soon or you're relying on luck to find a good GM. I think deep down you know, like I do, that after almost 10 years these people are fully formed adult sports owners. Your fear of letting go of the rope seems to be colored by a big dose of Because Buffalo. "It's what we get." Bad or under-funded owners, that is. Yet, each of those owners you cited could have easily had Cup rings, the Knoxes and OSP maybe two each. I do applaud your patience of Job, and yours is a cautionary tale that's worth hearing. OK. But the country music label, the graphic design firm, the organic toast place etc.
  2. Fine. Maybe they have some smarts and common sense.
  3. I'll go back and listen and transcribe the question. How was it unprofessional? From the original posts on this topic I expected to hear shouting and cursing. Mike's reputation clearly precedes him.
  4. It wouldn't be a dark day for me at all, but the thought should be considered, that today is the first step toward selling. Right size things, improve the bottom line, bake some cookies so the smell wafts into the lockerroom and covers the smell of feet. Watching those two it's easy to imagine they have had it. I don't see any way they don't realize they've run the thing into a ditch. Maybe just maybe they are big enough fans to let someone else have a shot. Selling and perhaps closing up PSE in its entirety might be the right financial play anyway.
  5. More obvious questions we'll have to speculate forever about the answers to. (I've been writing all day; sue me.) Weave wondered why our "reporters" get flak. They ask bad questions. They miss some that are so obvious I wonder who they're working for really.
  6. Are you saying Kevyn decided to purge the scouts after being hired? Or did he craft the cuts behind Botterill's back, then got the job when JB balked at enacting them?
  7. The quote is from when Kim announced that Jason would return. She said something very similar today, but I don't recall what the context of the comment was.
  8. Votes can be changed.
  9. I had to laugh when Terry said there is no financial "situation" and wondered aloud where that's coming from. He also completely contradicted himself when he said his vaunted flat management structure allows everyone to talk to everyone, yet claimed that communication has been the biggest problem with the franchise. Anyone ever play the telephone game? There's something to be said for one person to speak loud and clear for the organization and everyone else to listen. (There's also something to be said for an oil and gas tycoon and his wife not having a seat at the table where the real pros sit.) Finally, filed under continued meddling, Terry said he continues to believe "100%" in a draft-first philosophy of building a team. That's the GM's call. It started with "Lindy ain't going nowhere" and has never stopped.
  10. "Who's the right people?" Lord. As for Mike's question, it was fine. I was expecting so much worse. Criticism of the question is based in chauvinism and sexism.
  11. There's not a good "you get a cookie" GIF.
  12. Go on. You're almost there.
  13. Enjoy your youth. Wait til you're in your 50s. So I guess no one got around to asking Kevyn why he didn't get to hire his own coach? I see little Jack back in Boston, firing pucks against the basement wall, dreaming of playing just one game for the Bruins. Older Jack knew getting there was closer to reality and dreamed of winning a Cup, even if it was a losing franchise when he got there. He didn't sign up for any of this. I truly feel bad for the guy. It gives me the shivers when Taro is bummed. It's like a movie where all the birds fly out of a city center moments before something unearthly busts out of the pavement. And yet we were told Terry talked to Jason up to three times a day.
  14. It's not a terrible idea. I've wondered for years how the trainers, equipment managers, medical staff, media relations people etc. survive regime after regime. When these people are in the players' ears on the daily. Same goes for the alumni relations crew and broadcasters. Which makes me wonder how all of Rick, Dan, Marty, Brian and Rob survive this. Rick gets a pretty penny, I'm sure. I hate to say it, but have we heard the last or Rick?
  15. I might be out in left field on this one — but are today's events more evidence of meddling in hockey ops? It's fine for ownership to say we need to tighten belts, reduce staff, consolidate things, spend less money, for financial and philosophical reasons. So why not have Adams, who knows what's up in the organ-eye-zation, come in and put together a plan to do all that in the most hockey-sensical way? Instead, two civilians put together a plan, hired a guy who would accept it and enacted the plan. Adams comes in looking very toothless. Here's your coach. Here's your organization, or lack thereof. Holy, good luck Kevyn.
  16. First of all, Smell, NOT COOL. Incoming M*A*S*H comment. @New Scotland (NS) Alan Alda has a podcast and has had some of the few surviving castmates on it. On one of the podcasts, they recollected how terrible the conditions were on the studio and location sets. Barely working bathrooms, conditions that were either too hot or to cold, a restriction on how much peanut butter they could eat (at some kind of peanut butter station — hey, it was the 70s). They concluded that the conditions made them better actors and fired up their creativity — especially given that they were trying to depict people working in terrible conditions during wartime. It's a huge stretch to say the same effect will be seen in the Sabres, but let's remember that some of the best hockey we've seen in recent decades was done very much on a shoestring. One espresso and that's it, boys. Take it out on the puck, Dahlin.
  17. If so, then none of this is the general manager's doing. He's just the guy who agreed to take the job and let it happen. Which might explain why they didn't/couldn't do a proper job search.
  18. Jeanneret's pillow just got Febrezed and escorted out by one of the Pegula kids in a SECURITY t-shirt. That or I ate one too many edible brownies last hour.
  19. Steve Carell says there's ONE AMAZING THING Kevyn cannot do.
  20. But when the failure rate of so many good choices is 100%, it has to point to some other factor than, "It's tough to win in the NHL." Respected, recommended, solid hockey people don't have success with the Sabres. It's like an experiment where 100 healthy rats are sent through a maze with cheese stations to see how many make it out. You expect 25 to make it out. In this experiment, they all die. There must be something in the maze or in the cheese. (Hey, don't knock my hobby. It got me through the lockdown.)
  21. No, and I actually give them credit in that regard. It would be easy to make a traditional hire of a known entity, in part because it would get the fan base somewhat re-engaged. God bless them, they honestly think is finally going to be the answer.
  22. My memory, which might very well be faulty, is that when he gets a mention, he drops by to defend himself. Which is fine. But I don't remember him adding value to the board. I would go back through his posts, but with the restraining order and all, that's a no go.
  23. If the Sabres would just stop announcing firings, they would haven't have any firings.
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