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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Here are some snippets I found interesting. Honestly I don't care that much about Sweden. I don't want to move there and frolick in an untied bathrobe not worrying about infecting others or getting infected. I was just pointing out Sweden didn't achieve herd immunity and it wasn't really their goal in the first place, as is suggested below. https://www.healtheuropa.eu/swedens-response-to-covid-19-life-is-not-carrying-on-as-normal/101515/ https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/87812 And why we can't be Sweden: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/heres-what-happened-in-sweden-and-you-cant-compare-it-to-u-s (Sorry that my url's don't turn into links. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. It ain't me.)
  2. They have penicillin now, too. It's been in all the placards posted down by the canal. Does anyone care what the FDA says about hydroxyorangequine?
  3. Sweden hasn't gotten close to herd immunity levels. Antibody testing shows about 10% of the population got infected. I'd still like to know how we get to herd immunity when the immune response doesn't seem to be a lasting one. They're talking about a vaccine that will be similar to the flu shot. Effective in as little as half the people who get it with the idea those who get sick anyway won't get as sick as they would have.
  4. You're kidding.
  5. I can get a bag of frozen brussels sprouts for .79 at Aldi. FWIW there have been studies that vegetables frozen soon after picking are more nutritious than vegetables that make their way to your produce section, destined to be misted every 20 minutes to make them look fresh.
  6. I just ate an Impossible Whopper. The one I had when they first came out was meh. This one, maybe because I heated it up when I got home — I wouldn't have known it wasn't beef. That's probably as much of a statement about BK's beef as the Impossible burger.
  7. So now the Sabres are using DATA and VIDEO?! What's next, the hockey department getting their own email addresses?
  8. The first month is free. Their credit cards aren't charged.
  9. That's awesome. You're going to be around here for a long time. Are you winning more on the food side or the exercise side?
  10. The CDC put out a great chart detailing which underlying conditions are the worst to have re: Covid. Google is your friend! Enough time has now passed that a lot of data is available for analysis. One of the main reasons I returned to work is that my conditions seem to be less of a concern. Well controlled asthma, chronic lung disease other than COPD, low dose Methotrexate. It feels like we're figuring this thing out, but 25(?)% of the population won't do three or four basic things to really get cases under control.
  11. Cases at a high plateau in the U.S. Deaths yesterday highest in two months and on a bad trendline.
  12. That's what I wanna know. I keep hearing about it. I've heard they're incredible.
  13. If anyone has the one ingredient biscuit recipe could you post it here? Thanks in advance.
  14. Do not kill. All creatures great and small and all that jazz. I'm still not over running over a squirrel a few years ago. I know @New Scotland (NS) is with me. We embrace Brad Park, we do not shiv him. @Wilbur
  15. Brought to you by the AMA and physicians union (guessing there is one). Doctors are often as ignorant as the public. Educated patients is a net plus (note the word net). I diagnosed a magnesium deficiency in my mom that her doctor couldn't figure out/wasn't interested in figuring out. Of course, she was old and yucky and have you ever been to a long term care facility? I had blood work yesterday. I am now dealing with my doctor trying to tell me a lymphocyte level of .3 is normal (when the lab report clearly states 1.0 is the low end of normal). Deal with=probably looking for a new doctor.
  16. Covid 19 — still not the flu. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/monumental-acknowledgment-cdc-reports-long-term-covid-19-patients-n1234814
  17. I'm gonna have to say good night.
  18. I'll forgive yours if you forgive mine.
  19. Got it. 20% is a pipe dream nationally. The CDC fairly recently estimated something around 20 million cases when accounting for those not tested. That's only about six percent of the U.S. (I understand Taro's theory is NYC centric.) And there's the question of what immunity means if you've had Covid 19. A couple months of protection, a year?
  20. I could never be this cynical. If Lazar's reaction to getting approached in public is genuine, and I have no reason to think it's not, that's big in this market. Remember how Drury talked about being approached in Wegmans (I think), and the thinking was someone like Chris didn't really enjoy the interaction. The Sabres should draft and acquire players who fit in here. It's not hard to imagine that the players who've talked about how much they hated playing in Buffalo were in the Drury camp. Why bring in guys like that in the first place? (Yes, there is a big problem with my thinking, Drury's performance itself. Outlier, that one, innhe?)
  21. We can't discuss government response to the virus. You've disguised it, but you're talking about mistakes the Cuomo administration made, right? But it's not 50% of the population that had Covid asymptomatically. That's an estimate of the number of people who had Covid who were asymptomatic.
  22. "If only we listened to our fans..."
  23. Would these be Google apps where you give permission for them to access your microphone? Or just plain old Googling?
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