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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. You're really breaking some news here. The GM hires someone who's on his page? No kidding. There isn't a good hockey reason, or a vision factor, that justifies hiring Ellis. The vision that's being brought to life is the Pegulas' vision of hiring people they know and trust and like. Adams is already showing how feckless he is. But when you have a razor thin resume and end up as an NHL GM, you do everything you can to please your patrons. Flat management structure? It's been a longtime joke, but the owners have just about managed to create a structure where they are on the same level as their managers. I mean, they've owned an NHL team for almost a decade. That holds up against a youth hockey academy director/instructor pretty well. Absolute trash and insanity, which inkman knows the definition of.
  2. I thought Kim and Terry sent the trees from out back to Columbus for cash.
  3. Outstanding as usual. Hope she doesn't get co-opted though. To repeat a recent idea I had: Sabres hire Melody, let her have editorial freedom to create the music she wants.
  4. A bit much, wouldn't you say? This is the Effin N.H.L. "Maybe he'll be good" doesn't cut it. The hockey world is the Pegulas' oyster, and they cast a net just far enough to get hangers-on, alumni, fine young Pegula People, the otherwise unemployable. Garbage owners. It's clear that's never going to change. (And I'd like to meet the "natural" player who curtsied his way into the professional ranks. I'd suggest he doesn't exist.)
  5. *****. It's convenient, that's for sure. Have fun, gents!
  6. My guess is he's still trying to figure out how one train can leave Chicago and one train can leave New York and travel in opposite directions. Trains can't go across water.
  7. The issue at hand was not calves, Senator.
  8. What about the gold? Are we back to the original gold? Doesn't anyone care about the gold?
  9. Are you sure they're going back to wearing the whites at home? I thought the reporting upthread was that they would be allowed to wear them on occasion.
  10. So if the legs feed the wolf, and Cozens' quads are bulging, it seems appropriate that our new buffalo's legs are longer and more, uh, functional? The back legs appear to be propelling the beast. The old legs look stubby and useless below a sturdy frame by comparison, Newman-esque on might say. Also the "action lines" above and below are much thinner, and the back hoof is a little farther away from the sabre (whereas with the outline it was actually touching it). I can't believe I'm getting into this. It's almost like I care. What is this salty discharge?
  11. I find it outrageous and frankly disqualifying that the tip of the handle is now rounded instead of tear-shaped. WTF, Kerry?
  12. It would be a great dissertation for someone who's studying color theory. The now-departed navy blue actually looked fine in person and very nice in one or two arenas (based on lighting/cameras, not sure which played a bigger role). I believe in Edmonton the Sabres' blue looked beautiful. I think it'll be the same deal with the roayl. I mean, you can look back at Google images of the original blue, and sometimes it looks royal and sometimes it looks navy.
  13. Upon further review, the changes to the logo are pretty interesting and dramatic. We're much hornier now — the horn comes to a sharp point instead of being slightly rounded. And our red eye is now Angry™ whereas the old one looked like camera red-eye. I never got the logic for moving to home darks. So the road team didn't have to pack two uniforms, in case the home team was wearing its third? Is it so cumbersome to travel with two sets?
  14. The only thing that's interesting to me is how royal it really is. Monitors and screens can be deceiving. So far it's not as royal as I expected. That said, they've finally tapped in the one-foot putt they should have 17 years ago. Selling the future, check. Selling the past, check. One more to go.
  15. Birth of a narrative: Cozens is SWOLE! See also: The Dahlin 15
  16. This is how you do it, chumps.
  17. They are human rights monsters!
  18. Really? Those are pretty average legs for a fit young guy. OTOH, I'd put Doohickie's against them any day. Or mine.
  19. The icethetics graphic says it'll be based on the WC logo without the NY. Just wondering what was special about that logo.
  20. @Taro T Did you see the shots of the heart of NYC at the height of the crisis? I actually saw what looked like a tumbleweed go rolling across Fifth Avenue. The extreme measures NYers took seems like the more logical explanation for bending the curve than herd immunity being reached at such a relatively low level of infection. You talk about 20% a lot. Is this your theory or is there any weight behind it?
  21. How was the WC logo different?
  22. Is there really drama about whether the Sabres are moving to royal blue, probably the royalest of blue possible?
  23. The easy answer is — when Covid 19 has roughly the same impact on society as the flu. So, an effective vaccine, some kind of anti-viral or other therapeutics, a knowledge base of how to treat it and keep deaths at a minimum, a population that is savvy. On the latter point, with the flu people get the flu shot, call their docs early to get Tamiflu, stay at home. That's easy stuff. With Covid it's going to require a little more. Which we've already seen is inexplicably challenging for some people. One thing I'm hoping to see is a very light flu season in terms of deaths, because everything we should be doing for Covid should prevent the flu as well. What we really need, of course, is quick, reasonably accurate point of care tests that aren't just for people getting near the president or guys who play with vulcanized rubber disks.
  24. She got called in to a Zoom meeting with The Black Widow herself.
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