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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. "...be very careful around the vulnerable segments..." Around is the operative word. You want younger folks to distance themselves and (maybe) wear a mask when around grandma and grandpa, but that's not enough. Grandma and grandpa can't live on a deserted island. They deserve to live in the world, too. If they're sick, they have caretakers of various kinds in various settings. Covid will find them. They probably won't get it from their grandchildren, but from the person infected five people down the line. Why is the cost of protecting the vulnerable (and lots of people who don't seem vulnerable but who can get very sick and suffer lasting effects) so "enormous"? The measures are practically free, in fact. OK, there are no bowling alleys or movie theaters open in some states. Bars and restaurants might have limited capacity. You can't get puked on at Bills Stadium. Oh, the horror. To do the right thing for a relatively short period of time. This country, sent back in time, wouldn't have made it past Valentine's Day 1943.
  2. My comment was narrow. You've practically bragged about not following what's going on with Covid. So I didn't think Swamp should read anything into your comment on kids in Texas or wherever contracting Covid. Also, there are ways to follow pandemic news without touching the mainstream media. "Dying from worse" is a weird phrase. Is there a worse way to die than the way people have died of Covid? Covid has been one of the leading causes of death in this country this year. Are more people dying of cancer? Sure. But cancer's not contagious or easily transmitted. The numbers don't need to promote fear. The death rate isn't terrifying. Is 5% positivity rate supposed to send people screaming down the street? But all the numbers are concerning enough that life can't go on like before, for now. I think that's where you and most people part ways. You seem to think it's OK for people to engage in dangerous behavior because they'll either be OK or they'll get very sick and it'll be their own fault/choice. You don't seem to want to see one degree out from there.
  3. I'll take the wig.
  4. Botterill refusing to do as told and flushing a coveted NHL job down the toilet doesn't sound like a "last straw" situation?
  5. This is harsh but true: once info. was put out there that the most affected people were old, poor and people of color, the floodgates back to normalcy opened. These are the people a capitalist country cares least about. Dr. Birx' use of the word "urban" was the first tip off. Of course plenty of very fine people on the other side are dying too.
  6. Nothing. He has admitted to not following pandemic news.
  7. Yep.
  8. Because we hate Boston, Philly, Toronto, Pittsburgh, Montreal, the Rangers, Tampa?
  9. I just ruled out M if we ever play KFM with Eleven.
  10. It's possible the Sabres are only several decent moves away from contending (making waves=contending?). But that would actually be an endorsement of the work of the previous two GMs, and that's heresy around here — that the team is pretty close. The angst some feel comes from the deep-down realization that the team is fundamentally flawed and needs to be turned over 50% and then 50% again, but this time doing it right, not what Botterill did in consecutive seasons. So to see no progress so far on what looks like a huge project is unnerving to some.
  11. I feel like the recent iterations of the Lightning are the 1990-1993 Bills. The Bills were magical and pulled off stuff like that all the time — until it really mattered.
  12. Give Darcy a chance! I won't worry until we're past Labor Day.
  13. I finally captured the mouse (a mouse?) in the live capture trap. Although it ate the peanut butter I put in the trap, it wasn't until I added some sharp cheddar cheese that it went into the trap (and ate both). I got it on my back porch just a few feet away from where a mouse had been scurrying around inside the back door. So I'm hoping it's the same mouse. I took it to the back of an empty house about 25 yards away and released it. If all the stories are true, the cute little disease-ridden plague-carrier was back at the home base in his jammies before I said, "now!" @Eleven @New Scotland (NS) We'll see. Hey, I gave the little furry fella a chance. I feel good about it.
  14. Surgical masks.
  15. Finally can throw my mask out at the end of my shift instead of brown-bagging it for weeks. And according to news reports rapid Covid tests will be sent to my workplace in two to three weeks. Will believe it when I see it.
  16. Here it is again. Lehner was 27-ish. Dumb kid.
  17. Plenty of adults drunk drive — into Tim Horton's and various other places. I don't think it had that much to do with being young (anyway he was 24, so I'd call him an adult). Or rich. He was irresponsible and maybe he had/has a drinking problem. We've gone through this many, many times on this board. Blaming youth for various indiscretions. And the definition of young keeps creeping up. We've even heard the biological explanation — men's (certainly not women's) brains aren't fully developed until age 26. Stereotypes. Not good things. (In general, I wouldn't want to stereotype stereotypes.) ROR, rich and "young." Of course he drove drunk into a donut shop. Of course he did! Didn't we all?! We just went through an exercise in challenging certain stereotypes about young male athletes when Milbury said women weren't around the NHL playoffs to distract the men. Lots of people in hockey said that was a wrong stereotype because not all young men in hockey are out chasing the ladies — and the women around hockey do not exist to distract the men. That of course would upset some people on this board who think they know what normal behavior is because that's what they did and that's what "society" says is normal.
  18. Has Mrs. Brawndo been consulted? Maybe she has some thoughts on what should be done with Montour.
  19. I keep listening to it. I can't find a reason to not love it. This song will be timeless. The only player mentions are Orr, Perreault and LaFontaine. The only calls referenced are Lalala and Top Shelf. It's a personal homage from a casual fan but a true Buffalonian. The past, the present, a future without Rick, it's all there. If the Sabres don't bring Greg in to sing the song in the arena at some point, they are fools.
  20. We've gone over this. Watch the video of Jack's childhood basement where it looks like Beirut circa 1984 from all the pucks being shot. Who's to say Ellis didn't have the talent to do so much more than he did but fell short because of lack of hard work? Rob Ray was almost a point a game player for Cornwall of the OHL.
  21. I'm being told that I'm hearing Terry said wow can that kid skate.
  22. I wasn't offering a critique. But if we're going to have a debate about moderators, it would be useful to know more about it.
  23. Moderators should enforce the rules. We have no rules. I've always felt that was a problem. Also, is there a moderating philosophy and do the two moderators share it? Is it the board owner's philosophy? What would this board look like without moderators? What do the moderators do on a daily basis? Just food for thought.
  24. Did you read Randall's farewell love letter to SabreSpace? Did it seem proportional to the tenor of the discussion? If he left because the discussion was heated, he took it from low-medium to blowtorch before taking off.
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