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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Maybe I didn't want to piss is in anyone's Cheerios. I try to emulate your positivity and good cheer. The trade didn't do much for me. Kind of on the fence. I didn't post until I saw the video. Actually I DID, to generally give Adams the benefit of the doubt. But your weird, longstanding and intensely personal vendetta against me didn't allow you to see it. I'll wait for the apology.
  2. I'm not moving to Canada. Sorry, guys.
  3. The organization is not the franchise. A presidential administration is not the country. If you can't see the difference, I don't know what to tell you. Yes, I truly despise this organization (read: the owners and their people).
  4. Watch this video if you want to see the Sabres franchise in the eyes, face and voice of a player. "We'll see what happens." This is a guy who would rather retire but someone won't let him leave 3.25 on the table.
  5. Not studied in humans yet. Coming soon. But the article was written by Brian Dunleavy, so it's a fine combination of glib and dull. Too bad snark can't be used as an anti-viral!
  6. With rubber hoses, at that.
  7. He was a marginal player because that's how hockey people in Chicago and Buffalo treated him. I suppose you described him as a dominating presence in goal in 1992 and openly predicted his entrance into the Hall of Fame. This is dumb. Everyone knows when Dom became The Dominator.
  8. I am aware. The question is when he started to Dominate.
  9. I rise, feably and shakily, in defense of my friend from Nova Scotia. OK, imma sit back down. Was Dom marginal in 1992? As an NHL player, clearly. As a goaltender, no. But was he The Dominator? No. He wasn't The Dominator until 93-94. As in dominating statistically. He had 7 shutouts in 93-94 after having just one shutout in about as many games to that point in his NHL career. Dom was a sub .900 save%, plus 3.00 GAA, .500 record goalie in 92-93. It should be recalled the Sabres buttoned down their style with LaFontaine out in 93-94, and it was the advent of the dead puck era.
  10. Oh absotutely! Future Sabres head coaches, no doat!
  11. It's what you always worry about. What does the other GM know you don't know? Staal was overheard saying he wants to backpack through Europe. Marcus hated Fargo. The key to the trade: what is Staal's character. I imagine it was a key part of the Sabres research. For now I'll assume he has gas left in the tank, wants to burn the needle below E, likes the idea of playing in Buffalo, accepts the challenge of digging us out of hopelessness, etc. (I assume because I don't see how the Sabres make the trade without confirming those things.)
  12. So no internal cap?
  13. The bolded seems like an enormous straw man. Your suggested way of protecting the vulnerable is admirable but not realistic. The way to protect the vulnerable (which includes most Americans, I would think) is to drive Covid down as low as possible.
  14. But if you ride recklessly, you could kill me. Drunk driving laws are good, but they restrict personal freedom. I don't have to breathe anyone's cigarette smoke in public. I shouldn't have to breathe anyone's Covid.
  15. Is that because they've given bad information? Or because the agencies became politicized?
  16. I noticed two odd plants back in July, maybe, in a spot where I had cherry tomatoes planted last year. They were only tomato-like. No flowers, no little tomatoes, and when you tore a leaf, it had only a bit of that distinctive tomato plant smell. I forgot about them until I spotted one of them today. It had grown quite tall and had fallen on some low, green ground cover. It has a stalk or two of small cherry tomatoes and more stalks that are flowering. All of a sudden it's not tomato-like, it's a tomato plant. The other one has no flowers or fruit and is still quite small. It's a lighter green than a normal tomato plant and more delicate. I've never heard of tomato plants coming back one year to the next. Although, of course, tomatoes always fall and decompose in the late summer and fall. So the seeds are there. I've never seen anything come of them. Climate change?
  17. Sabres: disappointing rookie is seen at golf tournament all jacked up Bills: new head coach candidate is seen at airport all suited up Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things.
  18. You're making a case against the Pegulas but at the same time discounting the possibility they were the lion's share of the problem. Darcy, Tim and Jason were good but flawed hockey execs who couldn't get anything done under these owners. When does the answer become obvious? Rumors of a forced hiring of a coach and a forced trades of a top player are central to this topic.
  19. I have to believe there'd be a wild scramble involved, lots of whacking and jabbing and rattling at the eggs. Then the whole thing would be doused in alcohol and set ablaze with a blowtorch lit by a firecracker.
  20. I don't know what Europe did, but I doubt it was a return to February "normal." I'm just throwing out some numbers to get us thinking about what doing nothing except hiding away the vulnerables would look like. I scratch my head at how smart people can miss the obvious culprit in our economic and societal woes: the virus. Not the mitigation efforts. We get back to normal by cutting down the virus to very low levels, which is achievable, because other countries have done it. Then, and only then, can the economy fully come back. Rapid testing all over the place would help. It's still a pipe dream. They would get us through this period before a vaccine, anti-virals and other treatments, and know-how. Until then, pretending that we can psych ourselves back to normal and no one who's not old and sick will be affected isn't a viable option. People can talk a good game, but most everybody is afraid. You can say, "It's over, we're back to normal," but people have to believe it. I'm still not going to a sit-down, inside restaurant.
  21. I found Jacques Pépin's recipe for Eggs Jeannette. Basically a glorified, seared deviled egg in some sort of french mustard-y sauce. I wonder what the recipe for Eggs Jeanneret would be.
  22. Maybe TP will attend one of those rallies.
  23. The economic "shutdown" (the vast majority of people kept their jobs) wasn't about protecting the vulnerable. It was early days, no one knew anything, the virus was exploding and there was a real risk that the health care system would be overrun. It didn't happen except maybe in a few big city hospitals, and we adjusted. Now people are being asked to wear masks, distance themselves, wash their hands and avoid crowds. Not a huge ask. Is it your position that the economy is still shut down to try and save nana? And how do you propose going back to "normal" and not having an enormous second (or third) wave wipe out hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, the vulnerable and the not vulnerable? The math is the problem here. What's .5% of 60% of 330,000,000?
  24. I imagine every current franchise has done us dirty in one way or another in recent times. As we have them. The reason Sabres fans hate successful franchises is exactly that — they're doing well and we're at or very near the top of most disgraceful sports franchises of the past 10 years.
  25. Does 200,000 dead (and probably many more) in six months, a disease becoming a leading cause of death almost overnight, not get your attention as something extraordinary? Man, I wouldn't want to play poker against some of you guys. Then again, we just learned the alpha male with the giant hands went running out of the office when someone sneezed.
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