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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Appreciation should have nothing to do with it.
  2. Experts have experted but WTF do they know. Also Sweden says hello (with a dry cough).
  3. So just use the team's old slogan? Sharpen Your Point is the obvious winner. I have no idea what's preventing it from being officially declared as such.
  4. Go on...
  5. More gum-flapping. Terrific.
  6. Autumn Rustling — Zamfir, Master of the Pan Flute
  7. It'll be an interesting challenge. Like taking an appeal to the Supreme Court. That of course is higher than SDS even.
  8. We don't believe in experts anymore. We know better. People who know more can't possibly be making the right decisions. As for orange once it's back in the private sector all bets are off on discussing it, right?
  9. Green is what we thought it was!
  10. Is The Observation Effect a plus or a minus here? Having to look like an NHL franchise for the cameras can't be a bad thing, can it?
  11. The thing I wonder about is whether it makes sense to vaccinate the residents first.
  12. Do you know who you're dealing with here?
  13. I'm writing in @inkman.
  14. It's pretty interesting to see how they arrive at statements like "95% effective." To the layman, it seems on the flimsy side. Still, very good news. And this one doesn't need the draconian storage temp. Yeah, I'm going with draconian. ***** you and the horse you rode in on!
  15. I scrolled all the way to the end to see if you managed to make it through this hellscape of a year true to yourself. Well done! You survived.
  16. Finally got paid back for that Roland Hooks grab.
  17. You're overthinking it. Of course they protect you. No protection is 100% of course.
  18. I was being snarky. I have no idea why 11 tagged me. I know nothing about fantasy other than Drew Stafford wearing that postgame fur coat and making me an omelet. Sorry to involve you in my response to 11's dementia.
  19. This is the crux of it. People are innately selfish. It's the survival instinct. What's in it for me?
  20. Why are you bothering? Good job though.
  21. Hello. I blame this thread for triggering this somewhat rare episode for me. Went to bed at 11 after a long week of work and late nights and mornings, exhausted. I slept like a baby until 2:33. Almost BBC time.
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