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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. ”That’s a tough hit,” Taylor Hall told the media. “[Staal’s] not even a really dangerous player at that point when he has the puck, so for their guy to go after him and make contact with his jaw like that, it’s not something that you want to see.”‘ Not sure how to interpret the quote. Is his problem with the illegal hit/outcome or, as suggested, does he have a problem with a strong center ice hit when the player presents no "danger" (of scoring, I guess, or making a breakaway pass or something). A player poised to dump the puck in is dangerous enough in my book. To think otherwise is not playing the game of hockey, at least as we've always known it. It all goes to something a lot more disturbing to the average fan of a certain age of a certain team. How bad do they really want to win? As much as we do?
  2. I dream of a day where the hockey is so good, we never speak of diamonds or forecheck schemes or PCWTMOACB (passes completed within two minutes of a commercial break). Where we leave the theater with no interest in the camera angle the director used to shoot the critical scene or what percentage of the budget went to camera operators. A movie so awesome, the experience of watching it was enough. Hockey can be that. We so rarely get to see it in Buffalo, we've truly forgotten what it feels like. We should call a cop — we're being robbed. I am sad when I read these threads. I do understand it's all we have.
  3. This is said about the Sabres every season. I wouldn't blame change as much as ineffective change. But, yeah, if the Sabres still look this bad when they play that home and home with the Caps in mid-January, I'll be worried.
  4. The attack is that you are posting something you don't believe ("trolling" "fake outrage"). Sadly, get used to it. It won't ever be addressed.
  5. Sometimes it does, but the leader has to be in the mood. No one's really sure when that's going to happen, but if it didn't happen last night, that's an issue.
  6. The buffalo crest sure shines.
  7. @SwampD needs to run the audio on the broadcast. The background noise doesn't work.
  8. Don't feel bad. I'm not even sure who Quinn is. I like to go in fresh!!!
  9. More talent. Stench of losing is tough to Febreze out.
  10. On the really bright side, it's been a very light flu season so far, thanks to Covid mitigation and more people getting the flu shot. Lots of news stories out there. Axios has a story titled, "The flu season that isn't." Nice development. Getting some lives back.
  11. You also need a note from NS. I imagine SDS would reactivate the account quickly.
  12. She tortured many a caged cockatiel.
  13. I can do better. He had 16 in his career. It seems Miro's mistake was not being born in Clarence or Beaver Bay, Ontario. Or maybe it was the unibrow.
  14. What's your favorite Satan empty netter? I know you remember them all.
  15. No reason to attack. If you don't want to talk about Miro's ENG's that's fine.
  16. Not being in the top 9 in NHL history in ENG proves your point? Satan is at or near the top in that category in Sabres history. So much so that he was ridiculed for it by Rob Ray when Satan returned to Buffalo — because that's when Miro would bust his hump to score a goal, or something. Makes no sense. You don't score 238 goals for one team in a dead puck era by being a lazy bum.
  17. That bastard ... trusted by Lindy to be on the ice at the end of close games, sniping goals to seal victories. BOOOOOOOOO
  18. True. I guess I'll believe Rick sitting out a road playoff game when I see (hear) it, especially when all he has to do is make a fairly short drive to the arena studio. Perhaps he's making an old school stand against calling a game off a screen, though he's done it before.
  19. Has there been credible guidance to that effect? That might be when maximum protection is established. But with virus circulating widely, you're still at risk even if vaccinated (as well as the great unknown of whether you can be protected from illness but still carry the virus and be contagious). The way I look at it, the purpose of vaccination is to create herd immunity eventually and allow us a return to near-normalcy. It's not a "pass" for people to take risks they wouldn't otherwise. Also — whether the vaccine is 95% or 55% effective in the real world has yet to be established. Personally, I'm not going to do anything different for now. I look at it as a backup level of protection in case something slips past my first line of defense.
  20. No road games a'toll? Even playoffs? He hasn't missed a playoff game in team history, I don't think.
  21. Good for ole Nahm Macivah! Last I heard from Marie he'd been trawlin' for lobstahs up Narragansett Bay.
  22. That would be a good compromise. Gretzky, Lemieux...
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