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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. The Sabres' play is unacceptable. I'm evaluating everything, including RaKru.
  2. You just agreed with someone who said Adams does not have full authority.
  3. That's another debate. You're agreeing with me that Adams doesn't have full authority to do anything. To the latter, if true, wouldn't it be a tremendous advantage if the Sabres were to make hockey decisions in a smarter way? (I'll give Mario a pass.)
  4. If anyone has veto power, there's no full authority. Do you really think Kevyn can go to Terry and say he wants to fire Ralph and hear a hard no and still fire the man?
  5. Mike has said coaching/hitting/hard work/faceoffs/goaltending/professional scouts have no effect on the outcome of hockey games and franchises. Is that enough? No, professor, I don't have footnotes. What matters to Mike is what the money line says. One year Vegas said the Bills would be a 7-9 team and he started in on Day One opining that the Bills should forgo the season and work toward a high draft pick. It's what smart people would do, of course.
  6. I like the passion. I can't get there with you. The only thing I furiously want is for Terry to extract himself fully from the situation. He'll be fine. Sounds more like Scotty's Hitchcock moment. (PA has messaged Scotty one free bald joke.)
  7. Of course it's not common. And if the owner can overrule then the GM doesn't have full authority. The owner does.
  8. He then said he doesn't make decisions in a vacuum. Mixed message.
  9. Is that what I think it is? Snip snip? That's harsh.
  10. This season has been inkman's finest hour of posting. (And there were some damn fine hours back in the day.)
  11. Darcy said it all in his suffering presser. "It's not about making the playoffs... (correcting himself) it's not about JUST making the playoffs." Terry's all about building a dynasty, not slumming it with those rabble teams that just try to "sneak" into the postseason.
  12. What I'm dying to know is whether Smell knows he wants that scene, then goes and finds it, or does he just pick through memes after searching for "eye roll, disgusted" etc.? I wouldn't put the former past 'im.
  13. So who we got here? Robert for sure. The Sabres' "clubhouse lawyer" in the words of Bob Swados.
  14. I take it this story got no play in professional media, despite tweets and posts, etc.?
  15. Behind every great man is a great woman. How much did Dodo help? I've always wanted to ask. She was a great hockey fan. In the process of finding that image, I found another one that accompanied it in the paper. It's too good not to share. One of the greatest moments in the early days of the franchise and a portent of today...
  16. POHO Evander Kane?
  17. RaKru screws Skinner again!
  18. Stall does his best 60+ beer league shot. My hip!!!!
  19. Have you tried dunking your frosted turd in some Tim Hortons coffee?
  20. No. But maybe given today's rumor he has half a brain at least.
  21. That can't happen.
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