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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. If it's any consolation, none of it matters now or will ever matter in the interminable future.
  2. I'll double down after learning a bit more. They sold almost 1,000 tickets in less than 24 hours. Under the circumstances, that's impressive. Also, don't get the impression they "resorted" to having to sell to the general public because sales were slow. Today at 2 was the scheduled time to do so.
  3. Here's a wild card — Terry hates the free press. I mean, of course he does, duh. I won't say more, risking a warning point. He stormed into town and met with the News editorial board on Day One and went after them for being too negative, claiming if they were to write more positive stories, the players would respond, uh, positively. Sure he did, Eleven and nfreeman; I won't go looking for the video to prove it. Now that RaKru has ticked off the local media, Terry won't give them what they want. At least not right away. Make them sweat a little. It's as good as any theory about why the coach is still here.
  4. If I were a Sabre PR person, I could easily defend the number sold as decent/admirable/perty darned good considering the circumstances. They sold half the available tickets in a very short time, with still over a week to go before the game. A testament to the loyalty of this fanbase. Objectively, it's not a bloodbath. John (and others) are just butthurt about RaKru.
  5. If the last sentence is true, then you are knowingly watching the equivalent of professional wrestling.
  6. The NHL doesn't play by USA Hockey rules. Man, you must have hated Vanek.
  7. The puck wasn't long gone. They were pretty far from the boards. I don't know how dirty a hit it really was. I'm more inclined to think that Cozens learned a hard lesson about not protecting himself.
  8. You tell that sonofabitch...
  9. MODO your organizational chart is THE REASON for the lost decade.
  10. Gentlemen and gentle ladies, it has been a privilege posting with you this evening.
  11. Workin' hard, Staalzie.
  12. Ooh ahh, just like the Sabres.
  13. Rick doesn't say, "Smoked it off the pipe!" anymore.
  14. stenbaro comes back, Sabres tie it. You cannot leave! You can never leave.
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