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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Sadly, I have to take this thread out back of the barn.
  2. Of course, Rich didn't get fired from the station. He's suspended. He did get fired from PSE, but not for making a racial joke on the radio.
  3. Do you guys still not get that it wasn't Rich who was speaking? Rich said one word, actually barely a word: K or OK. He didn't laugh. He knew it was wrong. What was he supposed to do? The producer could have killed the mic but didn't. Terry said something truly racist (using today's standard) not long after buying the Sabres. Maybe he should be canceled.
  4. I tuned in in time to see Eric Staal reaching for his Life Alert behind the play and Crosby flopping a bouncing puck into the Sabres' net. You can't make this up. We're into Exquisite territory here. It's damn near glorious. We will probably never see the likes of this again. It's approaching Epic. They say if you're going to be bad, be bad. The Sabres are doing this so right, so wonderfully.
  5. He was the best coach we ever had and could have easily won three Cups. Shall we agree on that and call it a day?
  6. Thank you. People are entitled to their opinion, and a case can be made Rich should have done something different. But get the facts straight. There are people in this thread who didn't read beyond the misleading Yahoo link text.
  7. Lindy's mediocre coaching record post-Buffalo says otherwise.
  8. Jay Moran is our current Miltie.
  9. Correlation doesn't equal causation. I'd go one step farther and say the thing that forced Lindy out the door was the same thing that caused the sucking.
  10. Are you comfortable with Terry and Kim deciding whether Eichel should be traded? Because that's what the reporter is suggesting. Not that the owners would give approval after the GENERAL MANAGER made the decision, got a deal and made a compelling case to them.
  11. And the victory lap. Have you ever complained about a "makeup call"?
  12. Like I said, the GM will not make the decision. At least according to whomever we're quoting here.
  13. Dude needs some grammar lessons. Hockey, too. Eichel a top-three player in the world? Interesting note from the media source: the decision will not be made by the general manager. Wonderful.
  14. FDR's arms were jacked. Makes sense I guess.
  15. ... he had a bad game? Or an ill-informed fan.
  16. See also Eisenhower-Kennedy/Johnson-Nixon/Ford-Carter-Reagan/Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-Trump-Biden.
  17. It's not fair, but it's how goalies are evaluated. Name a goalie with a 4.00 GAA who stuck around.
  18. It's being tracked. You should be able to find the data. It seems like getting sick after vaccination is rare enough that it makes news when it happens. As for NJ, there was a dramatic drop, but it's on the rise again. A number of states are seeing the same thing. Nationally, we're leveling off at a fairly high number of daily cases. It feels like we've seen this movie before.
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