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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. That was tin-eared tweeting by Dreger. But what should we expect?
  2. Ron went 15-11-5 with several winning streaks. Not to go all @Randall Flagg here but the only value in what happens the rest of the way is to "see what works." Thank you for your service, Don.
  3. That's ridiculous. It's just a bad title. Because Risto would some day come back to haunt us?!
  4. This one seems to star referee Wally Harris, but it's more about the mood at the Aud created by the crowd, organist and public address announcer. 2021 game presentation could learn a lot. (I'll have a goal "song" and subsequent celebration from this game soon; suck it, LMCMT.) So it's late in the 1982-1983 season, March 27, 1983, to be exact, and Quebec's in town. The Sabres are a few years into Bowman's regime and having a nice season on their way to a thrilling playoff year. It's late in the third, and the Sabres are trailing by a goal and have been fighting to come back all night long. FTR, Harris called 19 minors, four fighting majors and one misconduct in this game. Rick throws some serious shade on Harris, who apparently had the reputation of not calling a lot. I'd love to hear memories of Harris. I feel like I should dislike the guy for some reason, or maybe I'm thinking of Bruce Hood.
  5. As usual, the NHL rulebook is near useless, as it's too vague and open to interpretation. How does one read the following (Rule 64 Diving/Embellishment)? Any player or goalkeeper who blatantly dives, embellishes a fall or a reaction, or who feigns an injury shall be penalized with a minor penalty under this rule. Is the embellishment of a reaction limited to the act of diving? You'd think Skinner in this case, if he was faking, should get a penalty under this rule.
  6. This season should be tried in the Hague as a crime against humanity.
  7. One (or several) of the variants might be hitting younger people harder than before. (Of course, the definition of "young" is pretty bizarre sometimes: under 50. Really?!)
  8. Mentally is probably the operative word. If you're on an 18-game winning streak, are you as exhausted? Compare nine hours at an amusement park and nine hours stuck in an unpleasant relatives' home.
  9. Also, semantics: you can still get fired for being gay. It's not legal anymore, but some people might not put up a fight.
  10. Good. It doesn't address housing though.
  11. That's where I'm at. Change comes slowly in societies. Putting the bar so high risks a backlash. I can't read the tweet in any other way except we're now responsible for using the right pronouns as a matter of respect. That means, from the team's side, their announcers should not say, "He's got a breakaway!" unless the correct pronoun has been determined. We'll get there. I feel like there are bigger fish to fry at the moment. Gay people can still be fired or denied housing in some U.S. states. Transgender or transsexual people surely have even fewer protections.
  12. This one's a beauty from the Aud on Christmas Eve Eve 1990. The Sabres were off to a slow start that season and needed something. They got it in a rough and tumble rout of the Nordiques. Here, Mike Ramsey scores the final goal late in the third. For @SDS, Rob Ray took a double minor for roughing very early in the game, and it clearly spurred to the Sabres on to double digit goals. Footnote: on the Quebec roster were an almost-retired Guy Lafleur, and Owen Nolan, Mats Sundin and Joe Sakic.
  13. Fair. But fundamentals that are rarely put into practice in that scenario.
  14. Quick... and down and dirty. The production value of these won't be spectacular. I'll mostly record them off old audio cassettes (some of which are over 40 years old!) on my phone, then play the audio on my computer while I video a still pic (the shakiness will be a creative choice). Then upload to YT. I posted the first videopic in a recent thread — Rick's call of a weird Andreychuk goal where he was sitting on the bench when his center ice shot finally made its way over the goal line. I'll repeat it here before posting my next offering. These will be on the more random and obscure side and will take us back mainly to the Jeanneret of the 80s and early 90s. There will be some great moments as well; maybe you've forgotten the calls or never heard them. I'll throw in the occasional Ted Darling, because it feels like his voice is being lost to time. Jim Lorentz, even, who was forced into play by play for a few games.
  15. He did make a nice glove save on a shot at the empty Buffalo net. Of course Hockey God Tanti directed the puck to a vulnerable area, causing terrible pain. Other Gods were furious, allowing Buffalo to tie the game late with the stipulation that NY would win late in overtime, with Dahlin made to look bad. Tanti is not to be messed with.
  16. The real brilliance of the post was the timing. So many of us read it whilst in waking up mode. And Hoss' creative mind. How did you formulate such a trade in your head? Real information.
  17. I honestly don't see how you guys can microanalyze what happens in three on three hockey. It ain't hockey.
  18. I figured that was what you were going for. I've always chafed against this logic. I want to win the trade with so much confidence I don't care if Jack's in Toronto or Boston. What are you saying if you're afraid of Jack being in the same division or conference? We're still going to suck?
  19. As an easily annoyed curmudgeon myself, I was more excited about the ending.
  20. I can't keep you people straight. That's why I call most of you "chief."
  21. None of it's fact. Good Lord.
  22. I'd say it's a fact he's immensely talented. SS 101: if you don't like the opinion: "It's your opinion, not a fact!" "Agenda!" "Narrative!" "Troll!" If you like it: "This."
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