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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Take reading lessons. The word appear is key. This idea of demanding evidence for opinions people disagree with is getting old. There isn't always evidence. (Except that TP meddled in the Sabres, bigly.)
  2. These Cups are gross. Thank God the Sabres aren't in the running.
  3. No you don't. Not if you're smart. There's no stretch.
  4. How much do you weigh a victory under current circumstances vs., say, next October/November?
  5. I just had an epiphany. Although I'd own an NHL in the hands-off way I've talked about, I'd be a meddling ***** on a day like this.
  6. Well, sure, he couldn't be traded to Ottawa. There's no right that Hall could use to get traded to Boston.
  7. I know, right? Casey ***** Mittelstadt. Turns out this rumor couldn't do a pull up.
  8. H/t to @Eleven... if the cost of announcing to the rest of the league we won't be hosed and to FAs that you won't play the Buffalo Sabres was a second-round pick and the corpse of Robert Bork, that's not too high a price to pay.
  9. Once the Sabres sat him? Fine. Before that? The height of unprofessionalism. I find it doubtful the idea of being a Bruin only entered his mind last week. Scum.
  10. Kim's right about one thing anyway. There's a lot the fans don't know about. I mean, there's a discussion on this board where people are completely oblivious to what's really going on. Probably better that way, I suppose. Hockey's supposed to be an escape, at least for the fans.
  11. I do. I wish we were 10% what Boston is. The hate is envy, pure and simple.
  12. I'd laugh. Then make popcorn.
  13. Wanting to go Biblical on this franchise, including the Pegulas, is hardly and overreaction. It's measured, logical and sane. If I can't say he did, you can't say he didn't. (I can guarantee he played some role in the trade.) He's not terrible, the Sabres are. The Bruins wanted him, what does that tell you? I guess we'll find out.
  15. It's OK. RaKru will chuckle when he goes to Davos and votes to put chips in all your kids' heads. Short Arm Jeffy.
  16. So refreshing to see someone celebrate a goal. I'd fill this roster with guys who have a heartbeat.
  17. Buffalo goal assisted by Cyndi Lauper.
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