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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Oh, it needs to be enshrined... somewhere.
  2. https://www.tapinto.net/towns/greater-olean/sections/sports/articles/new-ownership-group-eyes-olean-oilers
  3. It was a beautiful summer morning in July of 2005 when MODO arose early, put a pan of phat pannies in the oven, scratched his massive junk and strode onto his deck to admire the crisp morn. As he looked over Lake Vastenjaure, which he had purchased years earlier after inventing Sweden's version of the Clapper (the commercial jingle became an overnight sensation: "I'm high! Lights off! Lights off! Yaw-yaw!"), he noticed a young boy, 10 maybe, standing on the shoreline some 200 yards away, relieving himself into his pristine waters. Having bionic vision since birth, MODO could easily read the name on the back of the red and gold hockey sweater. R E I N H A R T. MODO cursed, then cursed again when he realized that the distraction had caused the pannies to burn, filling his impressive home with smoke. "Samson Alexander Reinhart you come back here this very moment!" came a motherly call from a nearby wooded area (bionic hearing as well). The name stuck in MODO's brain like panny droppings on a red-hot oven floor. He would never forget.
  4. Merriam Webster. Definition of torture (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : the infliction of intense pain (as from burning, crushing, or wounding) to punish, coerce, or afford sadistic pleasure 2a : something that causes agony or pain b : anguish of body or mind : agony 3 : distortion or overrefinement of a meaning or an argument : straining
  5. Five minutes ago, I untied nfreeman and allowed him access to his account again. I might do time, but it was fun.
  6. I wish I knew what the answer was. I listened three times and gave up.
  7. I doubt he cares. But he wanted to get back into the game at an executive level, and that's probably gone as well.
  8. Who's posting during games? "Yay! We just tied it up!" doesn't come off as your VP for Creative Content or whatever PSE calls it.
  9. Could the Sabres have turned things around if Krueger had stayed on? Is Donny Bucatini causation or correlation?
  10. Rick tried to help. He'd be more popular if he was Sam Ranheim.
  11. Stuffed shells at Chefs?
  12. Methinks "move yer feet" was the trigger.
  13. Rick called a whale of a game. Better performance, better calls, funny how that works. He's so comfortable in his own skin. I think he's beyond trying to be the Rick of old. He doesn't get tangled up when he realizes he doesn't know an opponent's name. Like an old defenseman, he plays a simple game. "Pittsburgh holds it in." Miscues? Sure, a few. You just have to laugh at them.
  14. Then he went and messed up Wilkes-Barre.
  15. Our bench suddenly has so much chemistry, camaraderie and joie de hockey. Smiles, giggles, nudges, so refreshing to see. Are Donny Meatballs and these kids finally going to pull us out of hockey hell? Bryson's unbelievable, by the way. Down on one knee under pressure in front of his net eyes focused on the puck tapping it to his defense mate for an easy out.
  16. Does it seem like more pucks are getting stuck in the back of the net? Makes it tough on fans and broadcasters for sure. Ranheim!
  17. Rick gave us a pronunciation guide on Ruotsalainen.
  18. "And certainly we’re going to focus on giving you ways that we can win this hockey game." + Beating Pittsburgh today = DoGra? I am tilting. Especially the quote that actually addresses winning freaking hockey games. (That and Jokiharharwood skating balls out on a late icing call yesterday have me feeling things in my loins I haven't felt in eons.) I'd be fully on board with keeping the interim tag on him for 20-40 games next season, then remove the tag if he's earned it for realz. (Doubt that's a realistic scenario; Don probably wouldn't go for it and he's probably expecting to have other opportunities.)
  19. Bjeanneret I could be down with.
  20. I want to thank Jokiharju for skating so hard right there on the icing. THANK YOU!
  21. Nobody misses yawning cages like the Buffalo Sabres!
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