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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. You really should tell him to turn on the AC.
  2. Nice. Welcome. It's possible there are no villains here. The old core might just be worn out from losing, from being disappointed in themselves for not being better, from being disappointed in management for not being better, from being disappointed in lesser teammates, from being disappointed in Buffalo's vaunted pizza. The humanity of all this keeps coming back to me. We all need a change. It's just hockey, of course. Are we really going to double down and again try to ride these three to a glorious playoff berth?
  3. The last sentence is fairly obnoxious, to quote nfreeman. Mike is well respected in baseball circles. Is that the problem? He doesn't adhere to some code of conduct in hockey reporting? He doesn't squeak out tame questions like Vogl and the New Vogl? Do you remember who infuriated Dom so much Dom went all Dom on his shirt collar? The esteemed Jim Kelley, who rattled many a cage in Aud/Crossroads offices. Mike's the ONLY reason we often get useful information out of players and coaches. He makes them talk. He made OSP reveal that his only direction to Darcy and Larry was that the team break even financially. I don't think it's fair to lump the two together. Mike doesn't have vendettas against players. He calls it like he sees it, the same way Friedman saw it, actually.
  4. TWL that Chz is Phil Kessel.
  5. I mean, how good can they be? Are we waiting for Jack to be surrounded by another Jack and two more Sams and a couple of Rasmi? The answer's somewhere in the middle, as always.
  6. Is there anything wrong with saying, "Man, she's hot, but I can't deal with the drama and the neediness!"? Anyway, it's not you, it's me.
  7. That would have been a good slogan. Still could be. WE with a heart around it, ME encircled and struck through.
  8. Something for everyone. It doesn't scream "team leader during desperate times" though.
  9. There is more than one way to look at team dynamics. You can't have all that many high-end players. It's fair to ask the ones you have to lead the team to success. (And to be honest, success this season would have been taking a run at the playoffs.) See also: all those Ranger teams in the 90s that tried to win with an All Star cast.
  10. You'd ask me for a link (teehee) if I posted that Sam unfollowed the Sabres because he wants to be traded. Seriously, though, isn't watching hockey supposed to be fun? I keep going back to the fan poll for the Martin Award. Jack didn't place in the top 5. I realize he was hurt. But did it really only take the fanbase a few weeks to forget the guy? Why is that? How did he make us feel?
  11. How did he play during the streak? I mean, the pressure was on to end it. If he liked RaKru, the pressure was on to save the man. Was he firing pucks home with fury then?
  12. Annnnnnnd... part of the reason support for Sam might be soft is how absolutely joyless he is. Same with Jack. Risto twirled that stick that one time. What's the quote about people forget what you said and remember how you made them feel. These guys made a lot of fans feel empty.
  13. He's been among their best players? Sure. Where has he led the team? I understand it's not a sophisticated hockey argument. I won't blame any fan who never wants to see the three of them on a tandem bike with an extra seat again. The torture of all involved parties shouldn't continue.
  14. Great post. Truly. I love this kind of stuff, but the "fan fiction" is starting to make my head hurt. (Yes, I acknowledge it has been one of my stock-in-trades here.) There's just too much we don't know. I feel a little like Bulldog yesterday when he had to stop and admit on the radio he couldn't wrap his mind around a theory Hamilton was offering (but not endorsing): that Eichel's real motive was preventing the Sabres from trading him now so that his NMC would kick in before he can get traded). I'll admit that Jack's "wherever that may be" comment takes on a new light if Adams brought up the possibility of a trade. Then we're into jilted lover territory. Of course we don't know Kevyn said that. All we do know for sure is that a soft tap on the door interrupted the chat, and Kim peeked inside and asked Jack to join her and Terry in the janitor's closet. The sharp tapping of stiletto heels on the hard-floored hallway as she slinked away hastened Jack's pulse.
  15. Where has he led the team? Words are fun.
  16. "Sam Reinhart didn't reveal much and looked like he'd rather be eating lit cigarettes." —Elliotte Friedman
  17. Prospects... "of all kinds." Owner/GM/newbie coach/players. And I forgot to throw in future GM Karmanos.
  18. But the part about rolling logs pantsless was true, right?
  19. Let me digest that. I had a big carb load a bit ago, and it's 20 after three.
  20. So, wait. You're a young-ish Canadian from Winnipeg?
  21. I'm not shy about telling ink when he's been a very, very bad boy.
  22. To be clear, the request wasn't serious. I would hope everyone knows who the target of the joke was. Agreed. It has to be about winning at all costs from Day One. Create the template for the future. I was heartened to actually hear Don mention the W word a few times after he took over.
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