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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. He got the Sabres going?
  2. William Mattar named assistant coach. #suckitbrawndo
  3. I get it. He's Eye-talian.
  4. I know. That's why I mentioned the future crime.
  5. Except that according to the lawsuit they're not the same things. That's the rush to judgment I am warning against. It's an ink blot test and people see what they want. You can expect a nerdy little Latin insult from Smell.
  6. What "it" is is pretty important to the discussion. The reaction here has largely assumed that "it" is one thing. And that "it" was so horrific the Hawks should have done x, y and z and prevented a future crime.
  7. I'm the only one not assuming and not trying to twist facts to suit a theory. Do any of you know what the lawsuit by John Doe (Hawks player) alleges? Or, like the url in the Rich Gaentzler "scandal," is a thread title on SabreSpace enough evidence?
  8. Shiver me timbers! Jack Fookin Eichel in the East!
  9. All these threads degenerate for one reason... there's pushback against assumptions and that above all can't be tolerated. Then comes moral outrage and "shut 'er down." No one has any idea whether something happened and where it lies on the assault spectrum if it did.
  10. This week then? Or still next week?
  11. I get paid by the troll accusation.
  12. And according to the link LGR posted the player reported it as "abuse." More info. is needed. Does it end up being on one far end of the assault spectrum? Right. NHL player vs. video coach. The story's not fully told, I suspect.
  13. Doohickie suspected in Illinois assault.
  14. Eichel, I guess. But one is very likely overrated and the other very likely underrated, so the difference is smaller than most think. And I suspect other GMs know this, and the heads exploding after Eichel is traded is predictable.
  15. Instead of stating the obvious, Rick's successor, I'll offer some dream job characteristics: 1. You don't care how much you earn 2. You love the work and at the very least like and respect your co-workers 3. The work is about helping people who need the help and need you, so you leave work feeling fulfilled and sometimes feeling like you failed those people, but it doesn't deter you (and they don't hold it against you) 4. You don't have to get up super early Too specific, maybe. Right now I have all of it. I'm very surprised this turned out be my dream job.
  16. I appreciate all the reminders. We've had these threads before. I'm looking for the definitive list, not just the "OTTOMH" variety. If we had 10 posters join the effort, we could each do c. 50 Sabres. I think right now we might have three people willing to do the leg work.
  17. Why would you potentially fail as GM of the Buffalo Sabres?
  18. You know, with a measure of focus before falling asleep, you can dream about whatever you want, right? I don't know how many times I've shared a banana split with Bella Abzug, then whipped off her hat and made furious love to her on a beach.
  19. Fine. I'll do it. It's a dark and morbid task, and I definitely won't enjoy it.
  20. This doesn't sound like much fun for a summer project, but we need a list of all departed Sabre players. The pace of loss is going to pick up. It wouldn't be hard just time-consuming. If the roster list I have is accurate, and I think it is, because it's a very reputable hockey resource site, then it would just be a matter of googling the name and finding his Wikipedia page. I'm guessing virtually every NHL player has one, even the old-timers. Some of them might be a challenge. Anyone interested in helping? We could break up the list in some way. There are 531 current and former Buffalo Sabres. https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/display_players.php?tmi=5054
  21. I tell you what's infinite: our collective *****. Use your imagination.
  22. https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/display_players.php?tmi=5054
  23. There are sites with each team's all time roster. You can order for goals, assists even DOB. I'll post a link later.
  24. That would be correct, sir.
  25. I know the oldest (but had to look it up). Any guesses?
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