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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Adams: "Something special waking up as a Buffalo Sabre." "A disconnect in our fan base." Commitment, passion and maturity seen from young players.
  2. Wawrow telling us he's in Montreal is pompous, though.
  3. That's ridiculous. He didn't say anything wrong.
  4. Compares losing Sam and Jack to losing two key players in the playoffs.
  5. Harrington! Have you talked with Jack, Sam? "You prepare for a range of what may happen." Hasn't talked to them.
  6. Defensive systems are simple. Offensive systems are complex and practice is key.
  7. Hammy Time: "What more is in store from DG as a coach?" DG: "We had 12 practices (laughing)." Talks about getting better offensively. "You're not going to get better playing conservative."
  8. DG says when he first came to the Sabres, he went to the alumni golf outing. He attended an alumni meeting. "I was shocked by how many Sabres alumni were there." Felt like he was wearing a Boston Bruins jersey. Rob Ray played bouncer and asked, "Can I help you?" He didn't feel like he belonged. When he was offered the position of head coach, he wanted to find a way to have players play for something more than themselves.
  9. "The challenge excites me. The demand of the challenge excites me."
  10. DG says he felt that the Pegulas care about the staff. "It energizes me moving forward."
  11. "I feel like i have an obligation to (fans and players and staff)... This is an obligation. I look forward to that."
  12. "Nothing else interested me in the interim. I didn't pursue anything else." —DG
  13. "He wants to be here." "Fits the mold we are looking for." Adams is wearing a light blue dress shirt, no tie.
  14. Adams: "He's a life-learner." Granato told him, "This is the job I want. I'm ready for this."
  15. All right enough with the verbal foreplay.
  16. Just veggies. I mean, they're rabbits.
  17. Come on down! There's pizza.
  18. If it was any other poster, you'd agree it's weird. I've had The Instigators on, mostly on mute, and there also hasn't been anything on the screen indicating a presser. (Yes, I know it's happening.) It's either being kept deliberately quiet, which makes no sense, really, or it's an indication of how much the Sabres take their fans for granted and have little interest in growing their fan base (or, you could argue, putting a decent team on the ice in the short term). Like, Sabres fans will find out... somehow. They've got MSG or WGR on 24/7.
  19. Of course. But you have to ask what is his intent in expressing an opinion, getting briefed on prospects, meeting with the GM, sitting at the draft table, etc. I am being told it has no meaning, implication or bearing on anything. He's doing it for shits and giggles because he owns a team. I don't buy that. He's influencing the process. His reputation precedes him. He has inexperienced managers who owe him their jobs.
  20. Add a decimal point. You're close, son.
  21. Forrest Gump, of course, nailed it.
  22. I'm interested. But does the I stand for Inflammatory?
  23. My niece took some back roads home to Raleigh and reported a similar situation on the highways and byways of God's country.
  24. Maybe they're working on the Bills fridge magnet schedule. h/t to the late, great @deluca67.
  25. Your recent posts encourage me. Don't quit. Do the math. Get them spreadsheets out. This is SabreSpace! You are smart! You can show 'em the light! Ruff beat me to it.
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