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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Grigorenko was hype city too. Nice!
  2. When will we know the Reinhart return?
  3. Wax my car. It's a 2009 Vibe. Bring some Snickers. And no bitching.
  4. I meant Sam. And Jack. And all the rest. They made the choice to fester in a negative environment and eventually have to ask out.
  5. I know it's a joke but would the NHL care is Beane was actually advising? Would the NFL?
  6. Nicely in context. It is what it is. True. It's a good trade on paper. But it's just the first shot of medicine we have to take. It's more bitter than sweet to me.
  7. In my best Carlin, "Where?" Did you think he was worth virtually nothing now with a long shot at something in the distant sports future? If so you weren't wrong.
  8. We call lunch dinner.
  9. I'm so psyched. I didn't even take the time to shower, I just grabbed a damp washcloth from the hamper and dragged it across my naughty bits. When does it start?
  10. I'm not up for criticizing any stripe of fan. If they want to jump on Adams right now, I say go for it. The Buffalo Sabres have zero capital in the bank.
  11. Do you acknowledge the stark self-centeredness in this thinking? Do these people also argue for elimination of drunk driving laws?
  12. The Kraken leaks have to stop eventually.
  13. Highly polarizing? The subject matter was a young athlete's courageous decision to come out and to make sports history. There isn't much polarizing about it, unless you want to drag hate, prejudice and religion into it. One person decided to be ignorant, and the thread is gone — he's still posting away. Neat trick. I got suspended once for repeating a hockey opinion someone didn't like too many times. Whatevs.
  14. Good lord. You go to Hull!
  15. That sounds right. Thanks. I edited my less than goodliest post.
  16. Ott I not do that? Oh, I can go all day.
  17. That smehls like BS.
  18. Sure would like to know if that's really how he ran East Resources. Because I'm pretty sure at one point he said no one ever left/quit.
  19. Two days in a row! Tell us — what's the secret????
  20. This is haunting. You're laying out more of an existential crisis for the franchise than merely an on-ice crisis. This theory actually lines up with some of the things KA has said about reconnecting with the community. Maybe we're looking at a return of the hardest-working team (pretty low on talent except in goal, high in entertainment value/connection). Which, of course, as a chemistry experiment almost worked to eventually bring a Cup or two to town. Find your soul/players with soul and the rest will follow; replace the heart, then go for the legs. It makes sense that the transition will be full of kids/the right brand of vets, almost the way Punch did it right off the git-go. The Taylor Halls of the world and probably the Jack Eichels almost certainly aren't up for it. Maybe this rebuild will be done the smart way.
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