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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. And the MRNA platform wasn't new.
  2. Are you claiming that they didn't test the vaccine on humans before releasing it under emergency authorization?
  3. I can't look away. Me and Radar at Timmy's this morning:
  4. Who had the "Enduring tortures, most of which rhyme" sig?
  5. From those commies at the CDC: --- Facts about COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines They cannot give someone COVID-19. mRNA vaccines do not use the live virus that causes COVID-19. They do not affect or interact with our DNA in any way. mRNA never enters the nucleus of the cell, which is where our DNA (genetic material) is kept. The cell breaks down and gets rid of the mRNA soon after it is finished using the instructions. --- Of course people who post about long-term effects of the vaccine know this.
  6. He'll never play a playoff game. I love the "gotcha" element of this poll. I try to stay classy, but I could have some fun looking back on how the experts here have many souffles on their face.
  7. If this thread was rumors and speculation, it would be somewhat acceptable. The fantasy trades and reactions to them make this thread unbearable and useless.
  8. "Heard of" is not how science works. Hundreds of millions of people have gotten jabbed. There are databases of vaccine reactions. Anyone can look it up. Of course, anyone can look up the meaning of N95, but sometimes they don't.
  9. Of course there are. You're not making much of a point. There are cardiologists who eat bacon.
  10. Let us not forget the Eichel googly eyes.
  11. But as far as I can figure, only the motorcyclist is at risk. His or her right to be ripe-catalouped doesn't infringe on my right to live.
  12. I was going Occam's Razor with this one, but your statement suffices.
  13. If I have it right, cases are also up among the unvaxed because the vaccines have become less effective at preventing infection, and vaccinated people are helping to spread it.
  14. Something like what? Having a surprising season? Or making key moves? If the latter, maybe the key moves have been made but we don't know it yet. I'll return to my special pills now.
  15. Of all people, I'm going to try and counter this much pessimism. Actually, I'm naively optimistic every October. November, not so much, usually. Because — sports is, and should be, crazy and unpredictable*. "The surprising Buffalo Sabres" might just show up one of these years and stick around to an unlikely playoff berth. It's possible if the stance of the organization allows it. I hear promising things from Granato about trying to win. Where KA and ownership are, who knows. *72-73 was unexpected; so was 79-80 to some extent; 96-97; 05-06; and maybe a few other seasons. Teams often don't follow a prescribed timeline. There. Hope.
  16. Jack straight up for a franchise goalie. I'd do it and run. It solves so many problems.
  17. WNY summers would rip you apart.
  18. What if they trade Jack for a very good goalie? Wouldn't that be enough, as it arguably (hate that term, but there it is) is the team's biggest problem?
  19. I bet you've got a decent Ethel Merman impression in you.
  20. Again? OK, done.
  21. That was me. Then at about age 43, under a lot of stress, I went to the doctor with complaints of heart palpitations. I ended up having an MRI of my brain with contrast at the local hospital. It didn't make sense until I learned that the doc had a kickback arrangement with the hospital to send business their way. The worried well are worth billions.
  22. You mean your first LT (laptop tapper)?
  23. I liked the post based on the final sentence. But I suspect you have the order of how things turn around backwards. I believe stepping away is a prerequisite to finding the right people.
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