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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Ukrainian Hockey League for those curious.
  2. He who? The poster didn't give up though. And the poster is smart. The answer will be found in places like this much more quickly than on some website. You people.
  4. Someone's living in his own mental mansion it seems. Not everything's about you. I happen to know Paul has come to regret the whole affair. Get over yourself.
  6. Cutting through your usual BS, at this moment — everyone over 65; everyone between 18 and 64 with an underlying condition (not just those who are immunocompromised); and everyone working in an occupation that has high-risk exposure to Covid are recommended to receive a booster. That's a huge swath of the American population. The occupational recommendation is said to encompass 60 million Americans, including grocery store workers. Underlying conditions include hypertension and high BMI, among dozens of other common ailments. Care to count those folks up? You can quibble about the language ("almost wholly endorse"), but, as they say, it's close enough for government work.
  7. I always thought the reaction to Doug coming out was insincere. Vogl thought the same. I have a feeling he won't be missed. Maybe Doug Allen's Gambit was that his people would rise up.
  8. Hey! NS. Here ya go.
  9. The CDC advisory panel almost wholly endorsed boosters. It stopped short in one vote (9-6, I think) of recommending boosters for vulnerable workers. Which is the vote the CDC director overruled. But you don't care about the facts. You probably have a reliable source that says otherwise.
  10. I'll be annoyed by Rick's pronunciation. And Dan's inevitable R2D2. "IN FRONT! R2D2. And the Sabres are within striking distance at 4-1!"
  11. I'm afraid I know the answer to this question. I'm in market, so I wouldn't be able to get ESPN+ for cheap on Hulu, right? And that policy exists why?
  12. Disaster? Agreed. A man who thinks only "at-risk" people should get vaccinated, harkening back to the early days of the pandemic when there was a notion that at-risk people should stay in their bedrooms so the beautiful, healthy people can live their lives in freedom. It could never have worked then, and vaccinating only the "at-risk" can't work now. Not vaccinating enough got us Delta. It could get us something much worse. But Doug wants his freedom. How self-centered and selfish. Consider who the at-risk are. There's your answer. You'd think Doug would care about the poor, the old, the infirm, the people of color. What a hypocrite.
  13. I've proposed several times that it would be a nice nod to an international game that non-NA national anthems (NNANAs) be played from time to time in place of the Canadian anthem (Latvian anthem for Zemgus, etc.). (I'm assuming there's no way the league would allow the time needed for a third anthem, but that might not be a good assumption, as there are all kinds of presentations that delay the start of games.) MULE MUFFINS!
  14. The thread's not about Doug. It's about Doug's decision.
  15. Why? Let's enjoy it. This thread's OK for obvious reasons. It's a gift from God. Literally.
  16. When I came to, I wrote a thank you letter to the Wuhan I.O.V.
  17. His next step isn't elite.
  18. I remember that time he stickhandled into the slot. It's almost like you haven't watched hockey since the 50s. It is not set in stone that the Sabres goalies will suck. Goalies are weird. Weird things can happen.
  19. I'm excited for every season. Sometimes the excitement wanes after the first period of Game 1, because if you don't have jump right off the git-go, what does that tell you? I haven't been wrong often using this proxy observation. I can't wait to see what they look like on 10/14.
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