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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. A new low for the Sabres. At his age? Is he even in shape?
  2. I think we'll all remember where we were when this moment happened. dudacek posting left! And right! There it is! 10,000!
  3. A few more likes, thanks or awesomes and he'll be the first poster to hit 10,000. We are blessed to see inside this great hockey mind.
  4. Thanks for backing me up, guys. You know better than I do. I'm not a great technical judge of defensive play. But I've watched for 45-ish years, and that didn't look right.
  5. Dan Dunleavy.
  6. That seems a bit harsh. I'm sure @Eleven's real friends like him.
  7. I had no idea. Haven't you people heard of Mrs. Butterworth?
  8. So, wait. @Eleven got a bunch of notifications that I mentioned him?
  9. Surprising: Canada has a strategic reserve of maple syrup. The organization in control of it has been likened to OPEC. Also, a small amount at a time, tons of syrup worth millions of (loonies? timbits? beaver tails?) were recently siphoned from the reserves, presumably by a guy in a red flannel shirt with a hose. (Maybe I shouldn't have been surprised.) https://www.npr.org/2021/11/25/1059236116/canada-taps-into-strategic-reserves-to-deal-with-massive-shortage-of-maple-syrup Not surprising: Cats are psychopaths. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/cat-psychopath-study-science-test-b1964701.html
  10. Interesting. The search isn't case-dependent. If you type @ele... it will show @Eleven. But if you type @eleven and don't select the pop-up, it won't convert it to @Eleven when you submit your post. You do have to type the space, though, when you search for, for example, @The Ghost of Doohickie. @theghos... etc. won't bring up a result. But why? @Eleven I dunno. I got bigger fish to fry.
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