h/t to @SABRESfan from the Caps GDT.
Mine is in the oven right now. Unlike the great Phat Pannie debacle of several years ago, the smoke detector is not yet going off.
It's an interesting twist on American apple pie. 1. You bake it in a rectangular baking dish. 2. The apples are boiled cooked on the stove with sugar and cinnamon before going in the dish. 3. The crust is a shortbread with two sticks of butter, vanilla extract, confectioners sugar, eggs and flour. 4. It's easier to put together since there's no painstaking rolling out and fluting the crust and all that Martha Stewart crap. 5. You prebake the bottom layer, add your cooked apples and put the other half of the crust on top.
Pics to come.
Here's the recipe I used:
Your turn!