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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. The nature of a fan is to believe that or want to believe it. IMHO the nature of the same fan on a fan forum should be to question it from every angle.
  2. Mine was delicious, but I gotta up my aesthetics. Let's see what d4rk brings.
  3. Yep. Got it. I had to rewatch it. I just noticed only four Sabres were attacking on that play. Pysyk had gone to the bench and Jokiharju was very late getting into the play.
  4. You know I'm not a ref basher or even a Bills fans anymore. I thought the review on the third and short run showed the ball a half a yard short. What did you see?
  5. You lost me.
  6. Hot damn. The one time I did LSD, that's what the sky looked like.
  7. The Bills got robbed on that review. Theme of the week. I've never been closer to the SwampD camp.
  8. Yes?
  9. I know nothing, but this seems like a situation where a coach has taken a team as far as he's going to take it.
  10. h/t to @SABRESfan from the Caps GDT. Mine is in the oven right now. Unlike the great Phat Pannie debacle of several years ago, the smoke detector is not yet going off. It's an interesting twist on American apple pie. 1. You bake it in a rectangular baking dish. 2. The apples are boiled cooked on the stove with sugar and cinnamon before going in the dish. 3. The crust is a shortbread with two sticks of butter, vanilla extract, confectioners sugar, eggs and flour. 4. It's easier to put together since there's no painstaking rolling out and fluting the crust and all that Martha Stewart crap. 5. You prebake the bottom layer, add your cooked apples and put the other half of the crust on top. Pics to come. Here's the recipe I used: https://www.polonist.com/szarlotka-polish-apple-pie/&ved=2ahUKEwjF27KetN_0AhWcgnIEHUjcBv0QFnoECAoQAg&usg=AOvVaw09ORr46c8TUxmlqysJyAj5 Your turn!
  11. I'm glad I don't have room for this kind of hatred in my life.
  12. Still 10. Boston jumped past Detroyit.
  13. It was set up earlier. You need to pay closer attention. I guess you'll never know why inkman was on ganni's lap.
  14. I think I could have bunted that one home.
  15. What did we ever do to deserve this.
  16. Dan's full of a little piss and vinegar tonight.
  17. Well earned point.
  18. If Uuuuuuko! Uuuuuuko! isn't a chant in that arena eventually, Buffalo should lose the team.
  19. Interested in coaching the Sabres?
  20. That really was a very, very good period for the Buffalo Sabres.
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