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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Are you assuming that everyone in the organization would be aware the team is being sold? Business as usual would be a good SOP if the team was being sold. If there's an effort to reach out to fans, whatever that means (chz posted something about being contacted by the team, I think), that could be seen as part and parcel of preparing the company to be sold.
  2. Settle down. Kim is not involved in it.
  3. I opened this thread hoping for some sign the Pegulas will go back to plowing the earth from above and not this franchise from behind. I'll take it! The tweet might be inelegant, but it gets to the truth. I don't believe for a moment that Terry has some ingenious plan to rebuild the Sabres. He knows there's not a plan. He no longer cares, if he ever did. I look forward to reminding him of that fact, in one loud,lusty boo, if he has the audacity to appear on the ice to sully Rick's night. There's really no other logical explanation for the recent and current state of the team other than the above.
  4. See also: denial, non-denial Also: the seats have spoken. They don't like Paul.
  5. Unfortunately, the Chaotic Good there was issued by the Senators. The Chaos was the sneak attack on one of our captains, knocking him the hell out and provoking a feckless and almost comical response.
  6. Chicken meet egg.
  7. At the Cap Centre in Landover, MD, circa 1986, you sat in the dark. The effect was pretty cool, as was watching drunk Caps fans go ass over teakettles down the steps. (Kidding, the steps were illuminated, IIRC.)
  8. Same in Pittsburgh on the upper level.
  9. I've noticed that in most arenas, the goal announcement comes just before or at the ensuing faceoff. If you've just given up a goal, I think it makes good sense to get the announcement over right away, not three minutes later when you don't need to be reminded. If you've just scored, the goal announcement comes as people are settling down and gets the party re-started. (Of course, to be consistent in my thinking, maybe it makes sense to delay your own goal announcement to mess with the opponents' heads. Would like to hear a coach or player say it matters or doesn't.) In Buffalo, sadly, it appears they wait until there's some official decree from the NHL. The droning on of the PA guy during play unnerves me. Boston's, Montreal's and Pittsburgh's horns infuriate me. I wish ours had more character, for lack of a better word. Great topic.
  10. A certain poster has changed his avatar to whoever the hot pick is (I assume; maybe it's the poster's son). If it's the new saviour, it makes me want to upchuck.
  11. It must be nice to be young.
  12. Too lazy one night, too tired the next? The coach is grasping. Hopefully he has some real insights and answers he's hiding from everyone.
  13. Real battle of wits here.
  14. This is reasonable, but be careful — you'll be tarred a hater or a troll.
  15. You'll never know. I feel bad for you.
  16. It was ugly, I'll tell you that. Is that what corporate America thinks it can do to people? If the kid was mine, I'd probably be in jail right now.
  17. It should bother anyone with a heart. Did you see it? The kid's like 6, waving a program around, having a good time, and some dude in a suit with a bluetooth or whatever walked briskly toward him, the kid ran off, and the thug turned back.
  18. I love the franchise. I'm not obligated to like any of the people who currently inhabit it. Go ask the LGB crowd why they don't move to Canada.
  19. He has to double-, triple- and quadruple-down on the YT drugs he got everyone hooked on before the draft.
  20. It turned out to be the critical play of the game. You have to weigh those more than some nudge in the first period.
  21. Good to see PSE thugs chasing off little guys in the background of the postgame show.
  22. It's not hatred. It's a refusal to depict Dahlin as something he's not (yet). We're so desperate to put a label on someone as great or elite or generational or whatever. That's the true derangement.
  23. Of course there was a battle.
  24. No. What's there to like? If the players down through the years had a fraction of Rick's passion, talent work ethic and most of all consistency, we'd need a new roof on the arena to accommodate the banners.
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