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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. I never thought love was behind the meddling. I know you love the Sabres and I know you wouldn't behave like Terry if you owned the team. This isn't that complicated.
  2. So he restores dilapidated things? You don't say.
  3. No, we don't. In fact I see plenty of evidence to the contrary.
  4. Ted Black listened. He answered my emails, anyway.
  5. I don't think cutting a two-goal lead to one gets a team "right back in it." You were already in the game. Cutting a three-goal lead to two qualifies.
  6. The existence of playoffs at that time seems sure. Then again Russia's nuclear force was just put on high alert.
  7. It's like seeing back to the big bang. The light just arrived here. Of course, I was there!
  8. Tumor? Here's to a speedy and full recovery.
  9. Chyeah. This is at least the second time of late that DG had that deer in the headlights response.
  10. And if I told you wolverines make good house pets?
  11. Yeah but it's on your gramma at Cracker Barrel.
  12. Steve's in the commercial?
  13. Thorny was honest. You can't have one eye on the game and one eye on your posting gizmo. Unless you're @millsieheartskale.
  14. Are you suggesting you know the truth?
  15. I might try actually watching the game tonight. You can poke me if you want for that, but please explain how you post here throughout the game and watch it at the same time.
  16. Re: the seats. I've never seen seats that are as scummy and filthy as Paul talked about. I always sit up top. Where are these deplorable seats?
  17. What Paul actually said is that his sources have told him that the Sabres have been in discussions with people who are interested. That's a fair bit stronger than how you characterized it.
  18. With attendance so woeful, I see any kind of fan "reachout" to be as normal a state of business affairs as working on next year's landscaping budget. No one's going to tell the people in charge of those things to hold off, and the people in charge of those things would not know to hold off bc the team is being sold. That said, reading the tea leaves is fun. I hope you're wrong, obv.
  19. It is my gift to you for giving me the gift of hope today. All I really have today is the pulling back of drab, fraying curtains to see that the barren hills have yet to be nuked — and the thought of the a new owner during the greens of summer.
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