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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. I feel like Rob's career is going to end with a live mic.
  2. There's no We, They or "The Sabres." Last year's March Sabres didn't figure out how to win this March. The team, I would think and most people think, also will be very different in the fall. Enjoy the wins, but ultimately you are right: October is still anyone's guess. FTR I'm pretty optimistic next year's Sabres will have a better record. I'm not going out on a huge limb there.
  3. There's no They. You can't compare any of these Marches. And I'm not sure what you mean by equivalent. It's not a controversial point or hypothesis. I'll get excited when I see the Sabres playing well over an extended period to start next season. Anything else is superstition: that they can bottle whatever they're doing and re-open it in October. I cast aspersions almost immediately on Terry and relatively quickly on Jack. How did that work out for ya? You'll all come around on this one, too.
  4. The point should seem obvious. The only data points we have on this team show that when the games mattered, their performance was not good. It remains to be seen how these guys will perform during real March Madness. You of all people. For the record, they are doing Jack Squat. Your whiny ass will be heard in October when you know deep down the results matter again.
  5. Me. I'm pretty sure ink could fill in if I went down.
  6. Less pressure to perform than a preseason game. Discuss.
  7. I expect them to. Lindy taught us well.
  8. No offense taken. I just hadn't heard that one in a long time.
  9. This post brought to you by 1978. 1978... hey at least we're not 1977
  10. https://www.the-sun.com/tech/4923663/extinct-dodo-brought-back-to-life-dna/
  12. Maybe they can find a curling hall/parlor/den/lodge/house and re-"bond."
  13. He's never allowed one from the blue line.
  14. Very obvious, but still...
  15. Over under on JC's SAT verbal score: 750.
  16. I thought it was a pretty sunny post. Aren't we ready to build around a new core?
  17. Will the pick be used to bring in an NHL player? Then I care. A long shot for 2026? Not a wit.
  18. You now know the real Jack and you know OSP's real directive to DR and LQ for one reason... MH. Are you not appreciative? The squeaky reporter, not the fan boi PSE wannabe, gets the truth.
  19. Yeah, starting off in a blue collar town, with a working class dad, shooting pucks against cement in a crummy basement. It was meant to be. That's the beauty of Harrington. The fans are lucky to have him and they are totally ungrateful.
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