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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Absotively.
  2. Anywho... lol... if they're urging people to be in their seats by 6:40 then the ceremony better start at 7. How many times have we had to sit and wait until 7:25 for the start of a road game while Teemu Mcshanahan is fellated (feted damn autoconniption)? People don't take that "be in your seats" crap seriously. 7 is a safer bet.
  3. When SwampD talks, people listen.
  4. The turnout is for Rick. What was last night's attendance?
  5. Logic is good. But the best comparison is to this (very close to exact) team from just a few months. They be "coming together." It might be something else. I fully except the Sabres to look better in the standings next year. To expect this level of play is another thing.
  6. @That Aud Smell Think another LA Carson. I'm sure Doohickie got it.
  7. No pressure. Loose as a goose. Underestimated by opponents. That'll be my default position until I see it in the fall.
  8. So... you DID NOT KNOW THAT? I was going for something there.
  9. This was a great Curb scene.
  10. Marvo, love robot of Marvin and Promo.
  11. That warms me cockles.
  12. Are you surprised? You had your chance, twice, to spare us from it.
  13. Dollars to donuts there's a huge playoff OT goal in that mullet. It is fate! Be careful broskis.
  14. Tell us again grandpa how you captured those Germans.
  15. What if there's a really creepy spider on the ice?
  16. That's good. There should be a brisk walkup to snare any remaining. Still glad I got mine early. Just to sharpen this a little... it's not starting at 6:40. They want people seated by then. It'll probably start at 7 but just a guess.
  17. He's not calling the game.
  18. I got this. Punch, come on. I'll drive. Dodo's gonna be pissed. You're definitely sleeping on the davenport.
  19. And Kevin Lankinen has lost it. He's lost his cool. He's flipped his lid!
  20. Any estimate of number of tickets remaining?
  21. I also heard you beat Kim Jong-un 7 and 6.
  22. His voice will live forever in the transistor radio of my mind. Let Jeanneret Week commence!
  23. I heard you can cut a 1 iron out of the rough and drop it over the pin and get it to spin back.
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