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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. There will be digging at shins in clamdiggers I would assume. Damned air is still dry. Let the healing begin my ass.
  2. Go, with a gizmo of some kind to listen to his last broadcast (can always close my eyes and pretend it's radio), would hate to miss any more moments like on Friday night, but not sure if the Sabres have anything planned, hard to believe the crowd won't come up with something Stay, and listen old-school (actually on the radio or just listening to TV, or watch the game as per usual) I probably just worked through my dilemma. You can listen to Rick anywhere. Might as well go. Hello Ticketmaster. Goodbye money!
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  3. And this one, a brilliant impression actually.
  4. Not sure if Rick's official account. I highly doubt he would repost it.
  5. Always loooved this one.
  6. https://www.audacy.com/wgr550/sports/sabres/capaccio-rjs-calls-will-always-be-a-part-of-us Maybe this thread could become the written tribute version of the video thread.
  7. I have a bad habit of analyzing things that should merely be enjoyed on the face of it. No duh that's SS. But I'd lay even money Rick adlibbed the final three words based on the shouts. It would apropros, no? He punctuated the moment with just the right words. He's had some practice.
  8. That captured it. I sounded pretty much the same. Back to puberty back to where Jimmy... Rick's I Love You worked so well bc so many people were shouting I Love You. As per usual he nailed it.
  9. I'd loooove to hear that. It needs to be put online. That's uncharted territory for almost everyone. I really hope in retirement that Cupcake and Rick put his lost calls out there. I think it was reported a while back that she's recorded virtually every game going way back.
  10. He sure is. Must Whip I think you have it backwards. Hoppe is even better for this. And Hammy. And even my man Harrington. They are not interested in customer engagement.
  11. He's a right winger, no? Things seemed to point in that direction.
  12. 1? (It's as if the Sabres start the game up by a field goal.)
  13. Well I don't like either one of you then. What can I say? I need new whipping boys.
  14. I'd be in your camp but last night I was in hyper-observant mode. Very young kids were getting into the classic music played by the band in the arena. Beach Boys, Queen, a few I can't remember. And of course Sweet Caroline defies the demographic odds as well. I wonder if Rick thinks of himself as an artist or musician of sorts. Diamond sings about how all the street noise is basically an invitation to put a tune to it. And that's exactly what Rick did for decades with the clanks, slaps, dings, swooshes and of course the roars of the crowd.
  15. Of all the gifts Rick has given us, perhaps one more: an arena song? The words work. ... It makes me feel good, like a hand in a glove...
  16. The Rehearsal.
  17. I've been slumbering but woke up this morning with Randy Wood.
  18. While I would have been in the Yes camp in the past, at least in terms of the championship banners, as I looked up last I changed my mind. They are history. As for the retired number banners I don't see the issue and I've worked in print design for years. I guess I haven't studied them. Studies have shown that the vast majority of people can't tell or don't notice the difference between typefaces even when it's serif vs. non serif. This is an odd topic for today lol.
  19. I am taking Rick's three words to heart. I kind of realized it even before the words, when I couldn't bring myself to boo the Pegulas. I've said my peace. Starting today, I will have nothing bad to say about Kim and Terry Pegula or their family. I'm done.
  20. The ancient Buffalo sports voice in my head tried to tell me Nash was gonna tie. I pushed it back. Very late there was a long rebound to the right side and Anderson wasn't over yet. The puck hopped over the Pred's stick. It was meant to be.
  21. KA should wear the game tape down to a nub to look for stuff like that. But... See also Muel. What an interesting old soul. For the team pic he was off to the side and not smiling. I KNOW he has the heart of a lion. #chemistry
  22. It was momentary but intense and made the point then Terry was applauded for his remarks. Rick's night wasn't marred. The fans were spot on. My God what a thing of beauty. The smallest plays were saluted. The wave was awesome then smartly put away for crunch time. We want 4 was textbook... we want 5 after going up a goal? No traction. Textbook. Nothing went wrong. The Sabres staff hit a home run that sailed out of the building, flew over the baseball field and landed by that car museum. I talk about the crest on the front and not the names on the back. I've tended over the years to keep the players at arm's length. But I will love every one of them by name for the gift they gave me, the fans and most of all, Rick. I work with the elderly. Their treatment of Rick on the ice touched me profoundly. It might be a while before that beautiful noise has a lullabye effect on me.
  23. Just when you thought it was over, that happened. It was exhilarating and terrifying at once.
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