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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Mower took a poop and is falling apart. She gave me a good 10 years, unlike ... For 129 bucks I can get a reel mower. Might give it another whirl, sonny.
  2. He acts like it's punishment. I wear mine as a lapel pin when I go to the Legion for fish fry.
  3. I found a great poppyseed dressing called Brianna's. I wanted to get the last bit so I added a splash of water and shook (the bottle). The result was this post.
  4. The speech will go flawlessly until 36.2 seconds remain.
  5. Is anyone else disappointed that NS is not the president of a soccer club in NS?
  6. "Hey mom, hey pop...
  7. This was a very clever quiz. I'd like to see... one of these 10 times was not the time of a Sabres playoff OT goal.
  8. More guns the answer? I think there was a church shooting in Texas where a parishioner put an end to it. But now we have two in a row where the shooter was met with a good guy with a gun and was not able to be stopped.
  9. It doesn't mean anything to parents of a 7 year old who just got shot and killed. It makes people feel better, convinces us we're doing something ... and promotes a crummy hockey franchise.
  10. Protocol. President Richard Nixon.
  11. I don't have any answers. I'd like to see the brainpower (ha) in this country, including govt, working to solve a problem. A problem that of course extends far beyond these isolated mass shootings. My peeve is the attention given to the events and the perpretators. I'd think long and hard about making it illegal to use the name and likeness of the shooters in the media. Won't happen of course.
  12. Good. It needed boggling if you think Sabres merch is in any way an answer. Look up asymmetrical warfare. This kid sure got a bang for his buck of random violence.
  13. He was promoting a movie? Got lots of shares and clicks. Nice. So much value of all sorts is derived from these travesties, it's no wonder that our depraved society has zero interest in even trying to prevent them.
  14. Yes, it was the beginning of the curse. And, yes, that curse will not be lifted until Lorenzo releases a rehabbed bat on the site of the old Aud. There's no better time than right now.
  15. Preluding?
  16. The posts and replies speak for themselves. Something happened. I just thought it was a nice summary of the worst of the Internet. "Nut" was the cherry on top.
  17. Thank God the shooter was proficient.
  18. The best of the Internet right there. Misinformation followed by uninformed commentary.
  19. That's what they want us to think. Same old, same old, in reality.
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