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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Good faith effort to build an NHL playoff team. That's the phrase I've been trying to come up with. Has TP made that good faith effort through his management team and coaching staff? If you land on no, why shouldn't the players feel the same way? Are they supposed to feel like miracle workers? And if both land on no and both share the common goal of change, why not admire the tactic they possibly have chosen? Didn't anyone think the penalties were a little curious? There are many ways to throw a game. Anyway three people agreed with me. Not bad.
  2. It's scary how fast we went from the Sabres need to play at a 98 point ish pace the rest of the way to be a playoff team to now 115 ish points. IOW they need about 70% of the remaining 100 points available. Not sure how the fans react. What the team dreads is apathy. KA and TP are inviting it. If there's any passion left maybe we'll see humor, sarcasm, creativity. You can yell Fire Adams! only so many times.
  3. Only nfreeman can say that.
  4. But I'm seeing multiples, bruh.
  5. Now I'm high as a mofo.
  6. It's Terry's toy. And he let his wife and kids play with it a little (designing hats n stuff, no hockey decisions of course). He wants to be the one to lead the way. He is not interested in staying in Boca and letting a top notch hockey guy be in charge. Punch has the Olean youth hockey joke going. It's apt as well as funny. I was told by someone purporting to be a friend of Terry that Terry's a good guy "but he thinks he knows things." Terry thinks he knows how to be a POHO in the NHL.
  7. I want to eat you alive.
  8. It's a euphemism. Run for the bus. Lay down and die. Take a powder. OK I might be making these up.
  9. Imagine you work somewhere that attracts public interest. The White House, NASA, PornHub. Whatever. You listen to public comments and speculation, but you are on the inside and know what's really going on. It has to be that way if you're a Sabre right now. The owner comes to talk to you and THAT was your response? Remarkable. The players are speaking. What's really going on?
  10. Imagine being that person practically your whole life and achieving your dream of playing in the NHL and the team's management and ownership are not only incompetent but very possibly not even trying? How do you possibly play through that?
  11. What change? In ownership, in the GM spot, at coach? You make the call.
  12. That might just catch on. It took 18 months for OSP to catch on.
  13. The team? I don't think it's any more complicated than that.
  14. Great point. Terry picked the game he thought most likely to produce a win. No way in Hell he waltzes into the Spectrum.
  15. Like four games into the year he was talking about how snakebit they were.
  16. He had his day and I'm bitter he did and I didn't. Shave yer ass, Crackers, and learn to walk backwards.
  17. Further, according to Rhett, TP made the hire and the plan is to have LR in upper management at the end of his contract. Not earth shattering except for the close relationship between the two. It's been asked before: what does the Buffalo sports "media" do?
  18. I'd bet money on it. The Hockey Gods have too much fun with us. Cats surely regret going too far with the mouse.
  19. Where Sabrethugs don't realize how good they got it.
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