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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Gifts on Dec. 25 are nice, but we always have the gifts that keep on giving, the Sabres and SabreSpace.
  2. I would think Zooker would float your boat a little.
  3. Accountability won't exist as long as enough customers will be fooled by a better second half, which is surely to come. You can see in the last two games the team has started to pick it up. Selling hope is what this franchise does well.
  4. I'll fight anyone who says The Homecoming isn't the greatest Christmas movie. (And it spawned The Waltons series.) I'll fight anyone who says The Homecoming isn't the greatest Christmas movie. (And it spawned The Waltons series.) I'll Blue ya if so.
  5. Ma Walton kept the coffee warm. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxfJfrdIg3kK6ZzwSoe5Wh35TUoZ6RL8z7?si=8Jk4LNBhiq_zqQhp
  6. They played the last minute virtually the same as the first. Pretty remarkable.
  7. It seems logical. It's like needing a goal with two minutes left to tie. The Isles needed a goal in those next two minutes to have any chance. Or something lol.
  8. That's awful if true. I don't know why Marty would joke about seeing Rob in the crowd tonight.
  9. No one will say. On air or on here. Marty did joke about seeing Rob in disguise in the crowd. Maybe a vaca?
  10. Sabres crew. I'll have to see if on the Gotham app if you can choose the Isles crew.
  11. Peterka's face after scoring is becoming a problem for me.
  12. No exclamation point. I have a lot of problems with you people and will be filling this thread with them.
  13. @SDSTerry worked on stickhandling with the kids.
  14. The Sabres don't need any help losing, but if the refs helped, I thank them. Put another stake in this owner. Again!
  15. The PR ham handedness could warrant a song in and of itself. Who can forget, We Love Southern Ontario Leafs fans? Dom's banner ceremony. Some truly lackluster Fan Appreciation Nights. Uniform debacles. Dan and Rob, what more do you have to say?
  16. Unless LR and KA wanted that speech in Montreal and told Terry what the message should be, it was massive involvement (meddling) by the owner. And a practice was canceled. I don't know what else people need to see.
  17. I think so So what was 16 17. Disco Dan. Wowie Housley? What year did pee pees get slapped
  18. More to the point and back to Liger's original ... 9 lifestyles maintained ?
  19. My stab: In the 13th year of Droughtmas, Pegula gave to us... 13 swaying palm trees 12 prospects protected 11 playoff close calls 10 Krueger cannings 9 yachts a sailing 8 total collapses 7 O'Reilly loves lost 6 ? 5 ALL STAR SCOTTS! 4 Eichel tankings 3 Turdburger jerseys 2 Lindy firings And a Lucic running Miller
  20. I was just pointing out Thwomp's hat lol
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