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Everything posted by R_Dudley
Awe I was just having fun with ya as well :nana: but a good comeback and Touche,,, and no that's not my generations french for touch me. :D
:blink: So your Thursday complaint is people that are full of Hope ? Wow too down for me and also another complaint of mine (downer people)
I hear ya on that one, what I mostly notice is it's the high school or not far removed from high school (+ 7) crowd HHhmm, Mainly all Millennials I believe, <_< .... that's it my next complaint when did they suddenly slip a couple generations by me.. Damn Millennials, all young and naive make me realize I'm getting older ,can't stand that.
This time of year when you freeze your nuts off in the morning w/o coat but have a nice warm sunny afternoon where you do not need one.
Tough to find something to complain about but here goes,,, Just got Direct TV and CI and now can watch hockey every day and every Sabre game however I can only watch one game at a time w/o switching back and forth or setting up extra receiver's and TV's in one room like the sports bar does down the road.... Hmm maybe when I get around to finishing that basement. :rolleyes:
Not quite sure if thats the definiton of being a man or a masochist but better be careful or it could lead to this... Linky ........ of the course the lottery part wouldn't be bad.
Got direct TV set up just this last weekend because they carry center ice (convinced wife early x-mas present for me) and my cable did not. It worked for 1 1/2 days till It started getting an access card error. After back and forth with tech support now waiting 3-5 days for new access card to be sent in mail. First opening night that I would have got too see in 17 years now in doubt. :wallbash:
:unsure: and gloating about it man thats just wrong.... :lol:
:w00t: Ya know in a impulsive moment of complaining and food affection I show a weakness and I get my coconuts crushed... Nice :doh: I'll just go now and schedule that gender switch operation... ... :bag:
The day I decide to treat myself in the morning( I do not go there regularly) and Starbucks is out of the classic cinnamon coffee cake :wallbash:.
People you work with who consistently bring you work that is past due or very little time left before some hard deadline that you have to scramble everything you were already doing to try and get it done. The classic their failure to plan becomes your emergency. :wallbash:
:lol: now on too I can't belive they haven't traded max yet for some rolls of hockey tape. :chris:
15 days before real hockey starts and my cable company doesn't know if they are getting/offering the center ice package.. :censored:
This may have already been posted but since it happened to me again this morning it bears worth repeating. When driving and making a a right onto a busy multiple lane boulevard into a break in cars in that right lane with more than enough room for me to make posted speed before the person in that lane would hit me, they proceed to speed over the limit and pass me on the left only to pull in front of me in the right lane with barely enough time to slow down/stop to make a right... :wallbash:
Just started fall ball and I am coaching a t-ball team for 1st time(my son is on it), I cannot believe parents sign up their 3 1/2 yr olds to play t-ball and worse the league let them (4-6 yr old league). I was working with one of 3 1/2 year olds in catching drill and I smelled dirty diapers, kid can barely talk... No way this kid asked to be on a t-ball team totally on the parents ......... :blink:
:lol: :w00t: Thanks guy's I needed that laugh...
I finally got one for this thread. One thing really ticks me off is when one of my favorite web sites does an upgrade / design change and the main and plain navigation style changes. For example the links used to open their own windows and all you had to do was close them down and your back to the main page now instead it closes the site/browser down because you should have used the back button. That gets me for weeks till I break my formed habits and has me doing the Homer simpson Dooooolt everytime.
Complainers, absolutely cannot stand the negative Nancies, eveything should always work the way I want it in life whiners.. :rolleyes:
:lol: Okay then one let me go with one of mine, "the people in rush hour or anytime for that matter who decide to stop in the acceleration lane to wait for a break to merge into traffic onto the freeway/highway" .
I dunno either that hasn't happened much here outside PGH yet or I just don't watch enough of the TV.. I'm guessing it's the latter .. :rolleyes: