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Everything posted by R_Dudley

  1. Basement finishing project underway, somehow stepped on a metal sliver that lodged in the heel of my foot. My complaint; no help available this am and forced to do my best side show circus contortionist act to extract it w/o breaking my own leg. Just maybe I should have taken that old Girlfreinds Yoga encouragement more seriously.
  2. Now that typically is not my genre but you know what it's a bit of funky fun that reminds me of classic rick james punk funk. I kinda like it too. :bag: There's my complaint, turning Inky. ;)
  3. Keep that mechanic, a good complaint is all the dishonest mechanics that take you for ride with needless repairs.
  4. I can't remember what it was I wanted to complain about first thing this morning.
  5. Don't let that stop you from going to the xmas party! Wear a hat, come up with a herioc story but don't insult the owner by not attending his employee's party. My complaint today, a group or society that makes people afraid of being themselves for fear of rejection or retribution.
  6. I'm defintely a family holiday kinda guy, however I must complain that this starting the Holiday earlier every year sucks. There are some absolutes and xmas stuff not starting till after Thanksgiving black friday is one of them in my book.
  7. Late opening of the Thursday Complaint thread just drives me crazy. :wallbash: .....er I mean crazier. ;)
  8. When your playing hockey do you do engage the other team in trash talk ? I would imagine you would be quite good at it. Which leads to my last question how many times a game are people throwing their gloves down with you and do you draw allot of penalties ? Anyway, not retaliating and I'm calling for 2 minutes for roughing on that one or 3rd man in take your pick....
  9. What ? I don't get it :unsure:
  10. Curses foiled again with knowledge in my attempt to be a succesful complainer! :wallbash: But wait a minute that's another complaint, when knowledge ruins blissful ingnorance. ;)
  11. Not so sure, I paid for it last year straight up as a one time add on special outside my monthly bill and as such no auto renewal for me, not sure what you did but I wouldn't just assume it unless you know for sure you set it up as auto-renewal
  12. Okay then one more complaint for me, That I either lack the vodoo you do to provide these stats or the time/ability here to figure it out.
  13. 9 days left till the opener and no CI package this year :unsure:
  14. Yeah I know and here it's mainly for fun and that's cool but I'm talking about the people we all know(e.g. work with, certain family member, acquaintance) that prescribes to that bitchfest mentality when they really dn't have it that bad. Henysgo, I agree with Schrader, there is help out there if you are willing, as far as the health issue's a Hospital ER department cannot turn you away or not treat your Hep C even if you have no insurance and certainly if you looking into the public assistance they have health coverage as well... Don't give up you need to see the Sabres win that cup some day...
  15. That some people with nothing really legitimate to complain would rather do that than count their blessing's..
  16. Yes indeed that is a complaint I agree with. It seems having a different opinion and being able to voice it and/or disagree agreeably is no longer the standard. Another complaint along that vein is those stoking the flames of class envy, suspicion across groups, races, ages and in general... New orleans hurricane showed us in a some ways we are just a natural disaster or man made crisis away from some level of anarchy and chaos in our own hood.....Indeed scary schittt....
  17. People who solicit complaints and then complain about the complaints.
  18. :lol: My Compliant; Me, why did I think it would be a good idea to have a 125 page complaint and growing thread ? I don't have the patience or time left in my life to page through that, can I change my vote ? Oh yeah, one more complaint, vote changers... Wait just one more complaint, incessant complainers .... Oh and people who ramble on .... OMG, I think I hate myself...:unsure:
  19. Add to that mens room etiquette, all the other unrinals are empty but you come stand right next to me and want to talk about something.... Excuse me but I'm not in here trying to make friends....
  20. Forgive me in advance for any heresy SDS :rolleyes: ... But my complaint is, "I'm just not diggingng this new skin here yet..." I understand it's the bomb for the PDA crowd and I'm sure there probably are several admin/backend upgrades features that make it easier for you and the Mods but, specifically....., performance, widget placements/intuitivness and some things just not behaving the same(e.g. click on link used to open new page not take control of exisiting) still have me stumbling around it....... I now place myself at thy mercy sabrespace gods :worthy: and humbly ask ... could some of it be a browser version issue ?
  21. Then my last complaint for the day is the man making the rules we all agree too and must abide by and then being the only ones who have the power to manipulate said rules at any time. Another fine example of the man keeping us masses down.. ;)
  22. FWIW I went to and tried to bump the old thread but it was locked, so I guess my second complaint is that it was locked down and made me violate the unwritten rule previously established to keep a Thursday thread alive.
  23. It's Thursday again already the middle of August and the days are getting shorter, summer's almost over and we never had a summer; by summer I mean a nice stretch of warm sunny days and weather.... :thumbdown:
  24. :lol: Quick call 911 Cleveland, imminent child injury oh and add another call to the guy's with the nets, appears the old man is lose again.
  25. WORK,... the do more with less, be thankful you have a job mantra, all the while pooring on more projects than you have resources for or can complete and no one above will prioritize anything....... Why don't they understand when everything is a prioroty nothing is a priority......Arghhhh :wallbash:
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