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Everything posted by R_Dudley
Happy Stuffing your selves all you Turkeys. Hope you and yours are all safe and enjoying your Holiday. The longer the lockout the less I am missing hockey and enjoying all the extra time I have for family and life, however I do miss the comadarie of this board.
I do not think all the appropriate choices are listed. I want an option to take the side of the "Fans" which would be what is good for the league and enhancing the game like eleven, and deluca and weave are also saying. Really should not be any harder than a 50/50 partnership to continue to build, strengthen and increase the market for the game.
Yeah lets add people and relatives that tell the same story over and over again oblivious to the fact they may have already told you this umpteith times and expect you to laugh at the punch line like you never heard it.
People who get impatient and curse at me while I back into my parking spot because I need to statisfy my OCD tendencies to always be pointed in the correct direction and satisfy my impatientness with the need for hasty get aways. ;)
I am sorry to hear and offer my heartfelt condolances. I know how hard putting your dog to sleep is after doing that with our 14 years young lab just 3 years back. We had her as a puppy before children so she really was the beginning of the family for my wife and I and it was very, very hard. Now 3 children and a new lab puppy later we are experiencing the joy as family all over again. Take some time to grieve but maybe in time allow for another to share life with again. We kept some of the toys from our last to the new dog and I swear she knows she was preceded by a great dog and at times even has some similar personaility traits although that could just be the lab coming through. My complaint, summer is over, school started already here today for the first kid and the nice slower summer pace is going right out the window now from morning to night starting with the get the kids out of bed, on the bus on time shuffle to the get home, get dinner, do homework, after school activities fire drill. So while I reserve the right to complain, all in all I wouldn't trade it back for the single life in a second or a lifetime. ;)
Voles and chipmonks darn buggers have moved into my mulch beds the last few years and dig holes under my sidewalk and all through my mulch beds. I do my own landscaping/lawn chores and just after I get it all remulched and flowers planted for the summer season they retrench and go for the new plants and roots. I am tiring of sharing my space with them and considering drastic measures :ph34r: (envision Caddy shack/Bill Murray) and going after these darn varmits...
What no love for Peter Sellers some comedy at it's best; Dr Strangelove and original Pink Panther's Anything John Wayne but True Grit fits the timeframe as well as one of his best last films; the Shootist and also what killed him in real life(cancer). Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns in deed, The good the bad, the ugly; Hang em High, Also got to have some love for the Bogart, African Queen; Casablanca, Errol Flynn anyone, defintitely the original Robin Hood.
Cool topic, I like weave have teenagers(15 yr old daughter, 13 yr old son) that want to experience the concert scene truth be told my 10 year old is more of a rocker like his dad then his older siblings since he already has a lot of the music on his Ipod that I listen too. I am considering breaking them in with a starter like 8/14, Def Leppard and Poison and/or maybe 9/2 Kiss and Motley Crue at Post Gazette pavillion. Have to see how the summer goes.
My complaint is it just went out the window with that story, yeah complaining about not being able to complain. With kids of my own 14, 12 and 10 the two youngest being boys I just say wow. So much more to say and do with them to want to help them on their way in life and .... don't know what you got till it's gone and I'm just going to try and remember that today, tomorrow and make my time count with the important people in my life...
My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family. Great to hear see there are still stand up people in this crazy f'd up world like you. Just be there. My complaint seems trivial however it must be done. Work just sucks the life out of me sometimes especially when I read things like this and know there are so many other things so much more important. Oh and many thanks for the laughs to weave and GODD. (mancapades nice touch).
Hello my name is R_dudly and after reading this thread originally started by Deluca in October I now have become a walking dead following zombie for this whole season and likely the duration. I think I can control my zombie urges but find myself considering the run for your life event here outside Pgh 9-1.(I am trying to get a group from work here to enter with me but no luck yet) I haven't started my formal doomsday planning but I also find myself mysteriously intrigued by the doomsday training brought to our attention by Korab and strangely also here in Pennsylvania where I live. Maybe it's the radon or the water here but anyway I loved the last episode and will be looking forward to the next season like a zombie chasing after that flesh fix they crave.
Haha, a meet the Fockers type of scenario immediately comes to mind. I say just treat it like a work experience with new co-workers you just met and have to work with on a project for a few days or have some real fun with it and play it like cousin Eddy from family vacation. Good luck with your choice either will work however if you add alcohol as weave suggests I'm betting more on cousin than co-worker experience.
I didn't see this here in this thread but just prior responded to a similar sentiment in the it's all family thread. While I agree with Schrader that in reality it likely is more coincidence then cause and effect. I will say I do miss his reparte and he did set a lot of the context around a lot of good discussion threads. He almost always was online every day, on top of the topics of the day and never shy to post. Miss his opinions.
That is truly an accomplishment and something to be proud of. It also proves that you could be successful ina nything you get real serious about. Congrats. The goodies; -it's F'n Friday already and after the holidays it couldn't come fast enough this week. -It's payday , yeah! -My sister and Brother in law are coming for the weekend and the kids and new puppy will get to enjoy the fresh meat. - I am going to my first live hockey game of year(yeah), unfortuately it's for the Pens here where I live(Boo) but it's on my B-in-laws dime(yeah) however he is obnoxious Rangers fan from Long island(boo) which automatically makes me a Pens fan tonight(double boo). -Beer will be involved. (Yeah)
Yes a very Merry Christmas to all. Please excuse my lame attempt at song writing below but in the spirit of Christmas past and the current board tenor I feel compelled to share a little Christmas parody song. Oh the hockey inside is frightful, But the rioting fans fire delightful, The Sabres no place to go, Let heads roll! Let’m roll! Let’m roll! When we finally hit last place, How I’ll hate going here to this storm! But if Lindy will hold us tight, On the way to playoffs I’ll be warm. Now the fans fire is slowly dying, But my dear Sabres will still be trying, So as long as I love them so, I can say, let’m roll! Let’m roll! Let’m roll!
My complaint is that there are not more thoughtful people in the world like this. Thats' a christmas spirit worth talking about. Merry Chrstmas Chilean and nice to hear you sound like your making it through your own family situation with your head in the right place. :worthy:
Still recovering from the work Big Lebowski holiday bowling party last night where I won the best big Lebowski award.( Yeah I got into it). Another Xmas party tonight. Love this time of christmas cheer.
Finally off work for the week, home with a bottle of delicious Stoudt's oktoberfest to start my Sabres pregame ritual. :beer:
Great question. A slight twist on the answer for me. I have drank name brands for some time but this thread has encouraged me to be more adventurous Example I just bought a bottle of Labrot & Graham Woodford reserve, distiller's select on a whim(and it was on sale) based on reading about bourbons(single Barrel, etc.) in this thread. I tried it neat right out of the bottle and I have to say I actually tasted the vanilla with a nice leather/oak finish with a touch of smoke. What a delicious treat. I followed that one glass with a 1 finger Gentleman Jack night cap and it tasted horrible in comparison. Mind you Jack has been my standby. Interesting point on your Bulliet Bday gift, I also tried a bottle of that in the spring as my regular golf bag accessory and wasn't sure if it was bourbon or frontier whiskey as it says on the bottle. I didn't know it was made by (or affiliated w/) four roses till I read it here but now I see why it's maybe so nice and smooth and it make great sipping with a good cigar. I want to try some of the scotch's mentioned here. Glen livet 12 yr old is my standby but I would like to try some others. It would be great to be a bit more confident in what I am going to like. I have my eye on McCallum 12yr old but I think I need to do some taste testing first. All and all a very cool thread and some pretty neat reading. With a wife, 3 young kids and a new puppy dog I don't have much time to post but I always find time to read, keep up the good work.
F'N Hockey and Octoberfest brews doesn't get much better.
Still living on the fumes of a F'N" fastastic weekend last week with my annual Bills game roadtrip. Great weather, F'N fastastic football game, tailgate, gleefully berating patriot fans and even made last call 4am at a bar for first time in like 20 some years. Took 3 days to recover, hell I might still be in recovery. Just got to say Buffalo still rocks.
- I have a new love of my life that has absolutely dominated the past 2 months of my free time. A beautiful blond that adores me, is always happy to see me and makes me feel young again. Oh pardon my gushing all lovestruck about her when I can just share a picture worth a thousand words. - Oh and 1 more thing I get the weekend off from my new love to shuffle off tomorrow to Buffalo for my annual Bills game, chicken wings, beer and ballet here I come. Destroy the Pats, Let's go Bflo
Is it hockey season yet ?
Sept already when did the summer go. I didn't do half of the great idea's/things I thought of at the end of May would be great. :thumbdown: Although I did thoroughly enjoy the other half I did :thumbsup: Oh yeah, and being bipolar. :unsure: