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Everything posted by R_Dudley

  1. Deluca's day job is performing politeness training for high profile customer service company's.
  2. Yeah read that article this morning and it just reminded me of the arrogance of a few of the Canadians I used to run into when I was growing up their in Buffalo. This also reminds me why I always love to root against Toronto teams. Old joke we had growing up, whats Blue and lives in the cellar ? Maple Leafs, Argonauts and Blue Jays.....!!! Never found that to be the case with the french canadian girls though, always nice.
  3. Ditto that. Thank you sir may I have another ! What a refreshing change to see blatant honesty in the public eye. Well played!
  4. Wow first day in a while I drop by and get a chance to catch up on Sabrespace, Scott I like your first free agent addition. Nfreeman what were you thinking, you could held out for more 5X5 ? ;) Oh and thanks to the outgoing mods, Corp and KR.
  5. Thanks for noticing although can't make any promises family, work and then some much needed Dudly time must take precedence. :P I do very well sir and I must say that when i do steal some time to catch up on all you Sabrespacer's I am very happy to see you are again a regular ball bust,, er I mean contributor... ;)
  6. Well played sir. Yes I like it and give TM a lot of credit for going at it the way he see's fit. This move is a culture changer, serve notice, new sheriffs in town. Tear it down to build it up right or right as you see it anyways. NFW Darcy would ever have been able to do something like this. Tim is not timid and i for one find this a refreshing change for this team. Can't wait to see who he gets in UFA or trade to round out this comings years roster. Go Tim, Go.
  7. Nope me. Been lurking and reading when I can but like some others I could not watch a full game it's been much better spending the time with my family in evening and nose to grindstone at work. My hats off to the hard core that stayed the course and still tried to find positives to talk about. Also to the entertaining many pre and post trade spaculations that caused some rousing debate. Hoping for nothing but up from here. Go Blues.
  8. Just finished a bottle of Elijah Craig as my golf season burboun companion (carry it in flask on the course). Started the season in april with Eagle Rare, than mid went to Buffalo trace and fiinsihed with Elijah. Liked all 3 though different. Thought the Eagle rare was the smoothest of three with some modest complexity, Buffalo trace was nice for the price point but simple complexity and not as smooth as Eagle last the Elijah was the boldest most flavored and defintely best with a cigar.
  9. Great to hear and best wishes for continued good health. However i can't let this pass with you on the swollen comment, a WHO song comes to mind "Mama's got a squeze box and daddy never sleeps at night" give it a rest killer. :P
  10. I think for that time and place the way hockey was being played he was a good fit for the team at that time. It was a much more physical game where fighting was still expected. I do agree he was not your x's and o's game planner. I do think he may actually be a good fit as an interim coach to at least help some of these kids understand what it takes effortwise to play in the NHL and help the team to develop an indentity however i agree with the sentiment I would prefer the new GM to hire the man he feels is best for the job.
  11. +1 Bingo, buy that man in the mustache a cigar.
  12. Wow double jeapordy and the Bills could do just that. Well spelling is overated and how else am I to fly under the radar promoting myself.
  13. Is it too late to join the party ,,, Yeahah! I can't believe it's been 16 years of DR. Wow nobody works for one employer that long anymore unless they own their own business. I will admit to being a bit surprised by the timing. i thought they might let DR suck a bit longer to do a better job of nailing that first pick in the draft. Eleven, you nailed it on hoping for a Canadians style rebuild. It can be done when you have the right people involved making the decisions. This really does build some hope based on Patty Lafontaine being in charge. Wow just wow, didn't see it coming. Did I mention my namesake is available as GM ? Not sure about the stroll down memory lane with Nolan as HC however as an interim coach and influence on a young team that needs to learn what it takes to make it in the NHL they could've done a lot worse. Welcome back Teddy you were really given a raw deal here once so maybe this reverses the some of the bad karma that this organization has appeared to suffer through for the last 16 years. Oh that and you can remove the Obijiwa curse you put on them when you left. Is it me or does that sun outside appear to be shining a bit brighter, my steps a little lighter, my smile a bit tighter... Now just give me back my hockey team I can cheer for. It's good to be sabre's fan again today. Thank you uncle Terry.
  14. Yes I agree with the premise. That is the best way to build a team for the long haul. I absolutely do not trust the man that drafted,traded and put the core and product together we are now tearing down to suddenly have a plan figured out nor desire to watch him preside over this.
  15. (1) Chicago > Minnesota (8) in 5 (2) Anaheim > Detroit (7) in 6 (3) Vancouver > San Jose (6) in 6 (4) St. Louis < Los Angeles (5) in 5 Eastern Conference match-ups- (1) Pittsburgh > Islanders (8) in 6 (2) Montreal < Ottawa (7) in 7 (3) Washington > Rangers (6) in 6 (4) Boston > Toronto (5) in 5 Pgh vs Chi, chi in 6
  16. Didn't read the thread not much time available to spend here lately. However if this is really Miller's last game I would like to see him go out in style win his 500th as a sabre, up his trade value and secure his place in Sabre history. An under appreciated sabre for sure. He has stole many a game for sabres but never got it completely done on the big stage in playoff's. Ryan, how about a SO for the fans. Best of luck for your future Let's Go Buffalo
  17. The shame, If only we had made the playoff's I wouldn't have to watch the peoples court. On a side note if i was chosen for the trail it would be a hung jury!
  18. Wow grew up reading him. These current so called guy's could have gone to school on his good reporting style. RIP Larry !
  19. Always late for the fun
  20. Chicken Pox redux. OMG, we are talking extreme pain and suffering caused by shingles. Worse suffering than any sabres/bills game or team I have watched. I never ever in my life imagined a simple looking rash on the outside could cause such intense discomfort and pain. I would never wish this on my worst Frenemy. 10 days and I am finally getting by w/o the percocets which didn't even do more than take some of the edge off. On a side note, I will not take health and ability to just enjoy every day life for granted for some time now.
  21. Hey all you hockey fans, They just said on local radio 102.5 WDVE that a limited number of Frozen Four tix have become available. These may be decent seats because they are most likely returned unsold tix from the four participating schools. Call Console Energy Center CEC box office or TicketMaster.
  22. BooYah ! ! New Sabres cheer, see I can boo happily. Another game another chance to break our hearts or break their chance for a top draft pick. Come on now all you long time fellow followers how could we have it any other way after doing this so many seasons now. Come on Player development. Let's Go Buff-a-lo!!
  23. I like Vanek and I don't care about the stats, he resembles my nephew who is also a good guy to boot. That and he looks good in Blue accents his eye's nicely.
  24. What another day another game. I have liked this teams jam the last two games and actually enjoyed watching them play/compete. Thank you sir may have another. Let's go player development. Go Sabres.
  25. This. I also switch to other highly competitive games based on score watching to see what I hope my Sabres team could someday play like. Lets go Player development. If they win i will not be disappointed although I understand the need to tank for a top 4 pick.
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