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Everything posted by R_Dudley

  1. No. I recognize it's a new coaches and system, lots of different combinations with players being tried/moved around to sort out who is going to be playing where. I think its reasonable to expect it too take some time until they solidify their core lineup and have them playing together in that new system. If they still aren't clicking then I may join the Buffalo blues band and a worrying..
  2. Been a fan of SS for a long time. Used to have more time for trying to contribute. Definitely my go to source for what's going on with my favorite team. Many knowledgeable longtime posters that provide great info and reading. Also very entertaining. With family and work I don't stop in or chime in as much as I would like but I do try to keep up with reading. It definitely has grown since I started here for the better but I do miss seeing more posts from some of the originals, x, deluca, labatt, bam bam, wonderbread, mill bank, Chaz, schrader, Dryden,,,,,
  3. New pilot series on direct tv. Mr. Mercedes, 1st pilot last Wednesday. 2 more epoisodes, 2nd this weds. Catch the 1st pilot replays before this Wednesday if you can. Stephen King directed.
  4. I haven't been checking in over the summer so looks like I missed a lot. Ditto on Bio's question. If unable to commit I might still do the secondary market and crash the b4 and the after coterie.
  5. R_Dudley

    OT - RBF

    This is where I was going to go except briefer and less eloquent. The current look beard, goatee and shaved head does have a Biker / Neo-Nazi connotation good bad or different
  6. Voted Girgs. Uptempo hound the puck, less thinking suits his style..
  7. This is also where I landed and voted in the whose going sweepstakes Sounds plausible but lets remember JBot's claim to fame is knowing how to build a team from the ground up. If that's true then drafting the players you want that fit and can grow in your system trumps giving up choices IMHO.
  8. I have to admit being a Sabre's fan but living in Pittsburgh for last 20+ years it's great to watch playoff hockey. Pens have become my second favorite team because I have spent so much time watching them. Great hockey game last night thought those Sens were going to steal one like I have seen happen to the Sabre's before. The two captains really battled hard for their teams. I really hope JBot brings a little bit of whatever mojo this Pens team seems to have had over the last 10 years that has had them and their farm team consistently in the Playoffs... So flame away if any of you must but I gotta root for the Pens again this round because now with the JBot connection and it doesn't feel so dirty anymore...
  9. So like some parents I watched a lot of Nickelodeon and cartoon network with my children when they were growing up. My oldest son and I used to watch Samurai Jack (cartoon network) together when he was quite young. So this year Cartoon network brought back the a final season 13 years after season four. Completed watching the final episode last Saturday evening with my 17 year old boy. The final episode was a bit disappointing but the experience of reconnecting every Saturday night at 11pm with your son over a show 13 years later was pretty cool. PS. I think they plan on doing a full day marathon reply of the whole season soon if there are any other Samurai jack or animation cartoon fans out there.
  10. Very nice. Well done. You are a true fan and captured a trip of lifetime.
  11. Yes I would like to make it in for the next one. Coming from out of town as well so a Spring game works better for me with having to balance Family responsibilities.
  12. It finally happened Hockey Armageddon
  13. Awesome, that was my dads favorite beer. I have have an Indian head bottle opener and beer bottle both with that Indian head symbol.
  14. I wouldn't mind giving that combo a chance
  15. Great story on becoming a fan. It took awhile but the angry goat did grow on me as well, the slug well that was a huge mistake.
  16. Great story. Thanks for putting some hope back in the tank. After thinking about this over the last day. What about instead of firing doing something I have seen the Pens do here in Pittsburgh before. Relieve them of their previous duties but keep them since they are employed. They did this with Eddie Johnston. Made him a scout. Send TM on the road doing just what he loves scouting. Keep him in a role he has done a fair job in and at least make him earn the salary your paying. As far as dreary Dan he could clean the locker room for his great contribution to the team. Here's another reminder of why TM is no more. He gave up a 3rd round draft choice to get his man Dreary Dan.
  17. Well, sounds like I didn't miss much. But we do know he didn't hire coach and feels he should have been more involved. So all the presupposition that his micro management got us to this point will now be played out with what sounds like him taking on a heavier handed approach for the next moves. We now know we can hold him accountable for the next moves made. May the force be with him and can that damn blind squirrel find that nut please.
  18. Yes Duds for president, Drury for GM and housley for coach, all former Bflo players.
  19. I agree with this, I hope it doesn't give pause to potential good candidates.
  20. Sure hope the Pegula's aren't trolling this board to help make decisions and set the future course of the franchise..
  21. What numbers do you like for Powerball this week?
  22. GTFO, wow now that's a clean house, Flush twice to make sure it all goes down... But what now, who is making the next choice(s), inquiring minds want need to know!
  23. Me likey the new old Liger. Preach it brother and let all the fans say Amen!
  24. Spin doctors already firing up the media with the excuses. Lots of new news articles lamenting the injuries to Larson, Okposo' even the dreaded D lost a lot of man games, I.E. Kuli and Bogo. He will admit they were a little weak in some area's but the same old BS will be the consistency, injuries, play better crap should be expected. Not Dan's fault, he needed to provide him better players, blah,blah,blah...
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