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Everything posted by R_Dudley

  1. We look totally unprepared to play here whats up guys...
  2. wow close call, lets not let the team that played last night out skate us.
  3. All Reinharts turn to score
  4. Why are backing up and giving Flames too much space
  5. Yeah why does it look like the Sabres played last night not the flames..
  6. Yep, agreed. definitely not skating
  7. Why are we not playing the body and letting these flames free wheel when they just played last night.. Not liking the game plan or execution
  8. Wow, how much of that is a mask vs his actual aged face with makeup....
  9. Ha, get Outta my head I was typing my last post while you posted these, I feel pi'd
  10. Upon further review the only thing that makes me a little uneasy about tonight's game are the changes to 2 out of 3 of our past games D - pairings. Yeah I agree its pretty cool to see Rasmus squared together however it does take sometime for tendencies and timing to work together . That with the also new Nelson Baloo combo is just 1 change too many for my liking when they had been playing well. We shall see what we shall see so hears to hoping Rasmus squared beats the power of Johnny Hockey.
  11. Normally Tuesday nights early work week blahs but not when its another Hockey night in Buffalo. Its great with the way the team has been playing to be looking forward to entertaining games again. Calgary is another pretty solid team but with us being home is one we should be able to win. Come on Jack you are due for a goal and I also would like to see Reinhart start a little consecutive game scoring streak after getting his first. More lines contributing, that's what good teams do. Lets Go Buffalo and put out the Flames.
  12. He's definitely a cool customer, I love the way he handled the non-questions. Bonus his eyebrows are level.......
  13. I see what you did there astrodamus
  14. /winner...
  15. Well the Bogo Nogo line has definitely moved beyond periods of hockey, I picked over 2 games and we're still counting and that's a plus. Definitely a tad slower however I love the physical game he brought immediately and also love we have someone that is clearing the crease, supporting his team mates and keeping the other teams on their toes when he is out there. That effect against the big teams like CBJ is valuable to keep teams from getting too chippy.
  16. Bills football game tailgate. Been coming home for 1 game a year for last 20+. We were playing the NYJ in a Oct. game, like 15 yrs ago, and we always tailgated in one of the old farm lots off California Rd. when we were allowed to cross the creek and come up the back side of the stadium lot. Crappy Bflo fall day when a sudden snow/sleet front comes in. Always stayed after the game to wait for traffic to quiet down and continued to tailgate. Boys will be boys drunk, playing touch football, turns into push football and with alcohol eventually tackle. A lot of people did fires in that lot when crappy and cold and the lot was pretty thinned out. I just caught a long pass and was showboating what was touchdown when one of my nephews tackles me into what was some left over fire covered in a bit of snow but still a lot of hot coals going underneath. I get up and spike the ball talking trash and a couple of the other guys around yell your on fire while I'm acting like TO.. My buds proceeded to tackle me again and roll me on the ground while I peel off my outer jacket. Thank god for layers...so the bills lost and I lost a jacket, a couple months later a box comes in the mail, a friend memorialized a piece of my burnt jacket in a plaque from that game day, Coals 1, me 0.
  17. Yep, although he is not getting the goals he is definitely playing ROR's role on his line and is directly responsible for the success of that line. I also think Larson, Bergland and Girg's is taking a bunch of that defensive responsibility as some other have said here as well. Specifically matching up against other teams top lines with a solid result. All and all i am really happy to have good hockey to watch from my favorite team...
  18. Yeah I heard that too, one to many fights me thinks.
  19. Ouch, alright baby steps still a fun game to watch....
  20. Yeah first OT game of the year. I'm okay with that 1 point at least... and another to get.. Go get boys, lots more room
  21. Yeah I understand now why a bunch of posters here are saying send him to Amerks to play more. He needs work.
  22. finally competitive hockey, this is fun..
  23. this is definitely entertaining
  24. Much better puck possession finally by the Sabres.. BS Penalty
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