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Everything posted by R_Dudley

  1. Yep 3 times in one game and one of the the things that I liked about him, beat him all 3 times.. But I also respect the heck out of Petrovic for not giving up trying..
  2. Yum, Yum, whats Home cooking got to offer tonight. The cardiac arrest dish, Ala rabbit Le Hat or some good old comfort food with a hearty 60 minute all beef no stewing after the game. Dahlin, you are due to score another goal and how about a side of Pilat.(Pilut for the swedish version) 2 for the rookies tonight and a Buffalo stampede, that's all I want. Let's go Buff-a-lo! Lets see some Coyote ugly.
  3. Makes sense although it depends whats up with the injuries to McCabe, Nelson and Scandella. I just read this am McCabe and Nelson still week to week and Scandella skated but wearing white no contact jersey... Surprised we did not IR McCabe and Nelson if they are heading into being out for weeks. So that makes me curious if there are rules on what qualifies and how many players can you IR during the season. I don't know if you have been watching much of the last 10-15 games but every team seems to be playing us very Physical (tight checking and lots of hitting). Not sure what narrative is out there about how to play us but it might be that's the formula to beat us, physically.. If true I'm not sure we will see many extra Healthy D needing to regularly sit. Right about now that would be a good problem to have...
  4. I will say this team leaves me needing medications to come down from the game time experience... Quite the crazy ride...
  5. So going to the game Thursday with the Kids? Can your nerves take it?
  6. So TO won and Bruins won, Montreal lost so there's that. We need to keep pace this conference and division is getting tight and looks like it will stay that way... This was needed and the Yotes are coming Thursday and they are a bit better record wise than the team we just almost lost too. k...
  7. You did you beautiful faithful Sabrespacer...
  8. Skinned by the skinner. And won by the skin of their teeth.
  9. Please lets finish this, no shoot out please..
  10. Oh trying to get the rookie another goal
  11. 4 on 3 who is Phil going to put out there. plenty of open ice to gte this done. Lets' go Buff-a-lo!
  12. Were going to overtime.....
  13. Rumored to have been a big partier, why he got traded out of Philly. Takes a lot out of you
  14. yeah why we are throwing passing up the center of the ice with low percent of possessing it is beyond me.
  15. Keep those shots low so there rebounds off the pads.
  16. Keep making them work we will break them....
  17. Yeah 2ndary scoring
  18. Keep working make the LA d men work keep the pressure on....
  19. get it deep on those plays they are down 2 d men
  20. Finally someone in front of goalie
  21. Hey whats that a PP goal by Jack
  22. There should be no reason not to press LA all over the ice to wear them down just like Rob said play them hard leave it all on the ice, show some urgency...
  23. Switching to some of the other games. This team is in trouble when we play some of the better teams that are finding their stride now. Caps, 5-0 Det, Bruins were down 3-0 now winning 4-3 over Ariz, To winning, Sens playing good this team getting worse. that winning streak may have been the worse thing that could have happened becuase this team stopped working hard and still got lucky. They didn't realize hard work makes the puck bounce your way.. This team is well on the way to that dubious record of losing 10 after winning...
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