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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. Please make it be Guentzel.
  2. I have the answer to the Sabre's GT issues. Anderson was super early in the game last night and UPL has been super in the 2nd & 3rd periods tonight. Anderson starts and UPL is the closer. -)
  3. Good defense also includes a good enough offense to make the other team reluctant to go all out on their offense. The Thompson and Cozens lines have to be a big concern for any opponent.
  4. The Sabres problem is finishing.
  5. Looks like the Sabres still have some legs and the Pens are gradually losing theirs.
  6. If they ever do a remake on the movie "The Cooler" you might make a good choice for the lead. (William H. Macy role)
  7. He's one of those players that is mostly hated but we wouldn't mind on our team. Marchand, no way though.
  8. Decent start to the 2nd period.
  9. Hate the losses but take pleasure in seeing the development move forward. In years past the Sabres often had decent goaltending but couldn't score much. Obviously we need real help on our defensive depth (but we do have some super pieces) and goaltending. I'm sure other team's GM's are seeing the potential of this team but also seeing its weaknesses. They are assuming that GMKA, what with such a good offense, is desperate to fix the goals against. Those GM's are and will be playing hardball and attempting to extract every bit of blood from Adams that they can. Adam's job is first to do nothing that doesn't fit into their plan but to work like hell to find a way to improve without sacrificing their future.
  10. Leaf fans have a built-in excuse. Their DNA in general is reflective of the long term acumen of their defense which is reflected by their leader who glues his eyebrows on and buys blackface by the case.
  11. This is the team sans goaltending that many here hoped for prior to the season. Who would have predicted that the Sabres would be leading the NHL in scoring at this point?
  12. Living in NWPA for many years (as a transplant) both Penguin fans and Steeler fans are accomplished loudmouths and self proclaimed experts who have never seen their teams do anything wrong.
  13. GMKA just made a call to Columbus to see if Dell is available.
  14. UPL lets one two in. Should have started "UPN". -)
  15. Oh goody, we get to practice the PK.
  16. Sadly, that opportunity was not going to present itself since there was time for the Sabres to think better of it but no time left in a tie game (22 seconds?) to do it and/or to risk losing a point. As stated above, the officials need to control the game in a way that discourages retaliation. Opposite of that, goons will return and every team will ice a player or two that can fight but not skate.
  17. I made reference to this in last night's game thread but when the officials don't exact fair and equitable punishment for actions considered dirty then they just insure that somewhere down the line there will be a significant payback. I remember well when Briere, after a dump in peeled away to go to the bench. He wasn't looking or expecting anything and Ovechkin, in an illegal and filthy act crushed him from behind. There was no penalty called. Briere was sidelined for awhile and when the Sabres next played the Caps expectations regarding what Briere would do to Ovechkin added some suspense to the game. Eventually the moment was perfect for Briere to ram the butt end of his stick right where Ovechkin's balls were supposed to be. It was rumored that the officials refused to send Briere to the box due to the time honored NHL tradition of "no harm, no foul".
  18. Looks like too many "men" on the ice. I'm guessing the officials will ask Cindy if he wants them to call a penalty and regardless, where he wants the faceoff to be.
  19. Yes, Kasparaitus. In my defense, "G" is pretty close to "K". Thank you.
  20. Seems like the Sabres have taken a page out of the Bill's book regarding defensive player's injuries.
  21. Yes, I heard Robert Kraft had a jealous fit.
  22. Whenever the Sabres play the Penguins, certain memories come to mind that have missing pieces for me. Maybe someone here with a better recollection can fill in the missing parts of those memories and keep me from racking my brain instead of enjoying the games. I've tried Googling to get answers but all I get is the equivalent of the 99 ways to wash Cindy's balls. So, I'll start out with a question for the old timers: There was a game a long time ago prior to 1986 between the Sabres and the Penguins in which the dirty birds were ahead in the 3rd period by something like 5 goals. We made a late game comeback and #11 scored either the tying or winning goal from behind the net by flipping the puck over the net and off the back of the GT. In the odd chance that somewhere that game is on tape I'd like to watch it again. Does anyone have the specifics so I can try to find it? My sanity may depend on you guy's help. The good guys were leading the Penguins very late in what would be the playoff clincher against the Squealer's hockey counterparts. I was sitting at my corner bar with this big guy who only pretended to be my friend so that he could humiliate me over Sabre's/Penguin's games and try to make me think that my self worth was somehow connected to how the Bills compared to his "perfect team" that was worthy enough to be awarded something called "The Immaculate Reception". If that wasn't torture enough, the "Big Guy" drank his Iron City Beer out of a glass that was the size of a milk can and would chuckle when the bartender would bring me a 16 oz glass that he considered just the right size for a shot of Monongahela Moonshine. At that time in the waning moments of the game, when his team was about to be serenaded with the old "Na Na Goodbye" refrain, some guy named Mario pulled a shot off that had to have been part of his personal deal with the devil. That shot not only tied the game but made it apparent that the "Big Guy's" team would go on to win, tie the series and of course take care of business in their clincher. I remember all of the aforementioned pretty well for an old guy but need help in recollecting the name of the Penguin's player who was universally despised throughout the league for his dirty play and got away with closing his hands around the puck (in the defensive zone) and throwing it over the boards. After that Mario guy's only moment in the sun and tying goal orchestrated by Lucifer, my mind pretty much went numb. For the life of me I don't remember if that moment when the puck was thrown over the boards happened in the tying game or the Devil's Disciple's clinching game. Anyway, I think that #@&%('s last name started with a "G" but have a 25/26 chance of being wrong. Anyone helping me out with the above answers will automatically be entered into my 1st Annual Toilet Brush Award with a chance of season tickets in the Orange seats.
  23. When I came here I wasn't expecting to get a tutorial on sex and punctuation. I disagree with your lesson plan and suggest that your advice be focused on instructing pupils to avoid colons and periods when having sex, revenge type or not.
  24. They dominated for well over half of the game. Puck luck and good goaltending went against them. Pittsburgh had to be wondering what hit them before the officials started giving them Power Plays. I'm not saying those penalties weren't deserved but the Penguins got away with several that should have been called. For quite some time the Sabres moved the puck very quickly, forechecked and got in the lanes defensively to frustrate those ******. Offensively the Sabres look like one of the top teams in the league.
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