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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. I don't know, if he has a computer named "Robyn", and we know "Robyn" is a guy, should we worry about his apparent attachment to "Robyn's" hard drive? That's something that I usually wake up at 3:00am and wonder about.
  2. "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today".
  3. South Jersey isn't as bad as some say it is. There's nothing more to say about NJ.
  4. Hey, it was just a typo. Do I need to add an emoticon to let you know where I'm coming from? :-)
  5. Actually I've been around the Sabres since before Bernie's name was chanted in the 2-0 loss in game 6 of the finals. I was just busting your balls. I see you're from southern NJ. I've spent some time in the land of the stunted deer. Had an unlovely ferry ride from Delaware to Cape May a few years back. Worked alot there but mostly from Lakewood north and west
  6. A typo? That's like saying Chara's neck looked stretched a little when the f'n giraffe was there for all to see.
  7. Only if we can send you back to spelling class. :angel: Actually I just jumped on to ask how many posters said they wanted the Sabres to lose for draft positioning reasons but also complained like hell when they messed up and lost?
  8. The Sabres were closer to winning the cup in 2006 than they were in '99 or '75. Any idiot with any knowledge of the Sabres and their history would know that.
  9. Just hopped on. What's the score?
  10. Now you can look up mauve and fuschia to complete the metrosexual trifecta.
  11. That's about the only damn channel I don't get. I thought it was NBC Game of the Week.
  12. Anyone know where I can get this game on DirecTV?
  13. Do you usually have this much sand in your ######?
  14. This team has enough talent. The last 30 minutes of the game tonight showed that if they put the EFFORT in they can dominate. They were very good in the last half of the game, but not so good that a 2 goal deficit could be overcome.
  15. Grigs got some time on th PP at the end of the 2nd. Hadn't seen that since early in the season.
  16. I'm in agreement with you, I think. He can't go to Rochester because of his age, but he's being paid for the next 3+ years as a NHL'r. Can he still play in juniors when he's making enough to charter numerous Mercedes for his team to parteee?
  17. grinreaper

    Danny Gare

    So you're saying Danny is sounding smart? On the odd chance that your third post on a hockey board was designed to be political, you've proven that but phucked up. Take it elsewhere, rookie. This place is for hockey.
  18. Where do you think Grigorenko is going to be sent down to?
  19. With that math it is obvious you should go nowhere near salary cap issues.
  20. Regier didn't get rid of Drury or Briere. It was circumstances above him that dictated that. He played the loyal employee and kept his mouth shut about it. McKee got more money elsewhere than he proved out deserving. With that said, I liked all three of those players. Vanek can thank his lucky stars that he got such a fine free agent offer, that at the time was ridicuously high. Regier came in and wanted to know if he could work with his coach, that's why Nolan only got a one year offer. Maybe Teddy shouldn't have gotten a hair up his ass over it and realized the situation? I bet he wishes he could do it all over, eh? Anyway, Darcy is not a weasel and Lindy was a good coach for the Sabres. It was time for a change though.
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