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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. They have stuff you can take for that. Nevermind, you said nightshifts.
  2. I encourage all people to research who they give money to. Is it true that ALS spends only 25% of the donations they receive on research? Compare Goodwill with The Salvation Army and then decide where you are going to drop off those old clothes. Check the administration costs and the executive salaries of a charity that you are considering donating to. You might be surprised.
  3. I find the "ride of their lives" and colonoscopy in the same sentence sort of gay, if you know what I mean..
  4. Can you link to something that shows this as anything other than isolated? Bob Bergdahl's tweet was saved by numerous sources. There is a groundswell of evidence that makes Bowe Bergsdahl look like something between a deserter and a traitor.
  5. Whether you agree with Cliven Bundy or not, he and his supporters won this last battle.
  6. We have enough scorning around here as it is. No need to fill the pipeline with it too!
  7. I think we need to see what is behind this. :devil:
  8. It also contains this rather inaccurate quote. Heck, three times this season they've tried to assign a player to the minors, and that player has refused to report, the latest being defenseman Rusty Klesla, who was picked up at the Trade Deadline from Phoenix.
  9. I'd stick poke her. Uh, maybe "lay the lumber to her" sounds a little more manly.
  10. Sorta depends on who is available doesn't it?
  11. Roll him in flour and look for the wet spot.
  12. Your game day threads are a treat. Thank you.
  13. Well, the plans I'm hearing about have high deductables such as $6-$8000 before anything kicks in other than preventive medicine costs. I don't know if I'd be jumping up and down to buy a policy for a few hundred bucks a month that isn't going to be there for me until I spend $6-$8000. I think if I was young and healthy that $700 fine wouldn't look like much. I said I had 26,000 in my head when I mentioned "tens of thousands". That figure should have been 16,500. Now I'm off to see the game.
  14. It's in question, but why won't the IRS come up with their own number? The best way to prove it is to see how much the IRS ranks swell over the next couple of years. Anyway I had in my head the number of 26000 rather than the figure of 16,500 that The House Ways and Means Committee espouses.
  15. It's been mentioned numerous times. Here's one instance that admits the amount is in dispute: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/07/07/ObamaCare-Irs-Agents The lack of information makes it impossible to determine whether the IRS will have adequate workers to enforce the health care law, the Treasury inspector general for tax administration said in a report three weeks ago. The report, however, concluded that "appropriate plans had been developed to implement tax-related provisions" of the law. In 2010, House Ways and Means Committee Republicans issued a report saying the IRS may need as many as 16,500 additional auditors, agents and other employees "to investigate and collect billions in new taxes from Americans." That assessment has been widely cited by opponents of the law. The IRS disputes the jobs number but hasn't offered another one.
  16. Yes, to handle the verification of insurance and to initiate fines. Swamp--read back thru the last few pages. The fines are nowhere near high enough to make someone get insurance.
  17. Who's going to pay for the tens of thousands of new IRS employees? Now that there is no incentive for the young and healthy to sign up how will we cover up for that?
  18. Yes, reasoning is what I am going on. It stands to reason that if we bring more people into the "system" that will have their premiums subsidized and take away the incentive for the young and healthy to sign up and pay premiums, then we are going to have to somehow make up the difference. Who's going to pay for the tens of thousands of new IRS employees? Let me put it another way. Should I borrow from my Visa credit card to pay off my Discover card? Reasoning tells me that's a bad idea. I don't need to wait until I go bankrupt to prove that.
  19. I don't have a personal dog in this fight. I'm a Veteran and switched over to it a few years back.
  20. Who's partisan? A few of us have been addressing practictalitys. It seems like the rest are addressing platitudes. Maybe those who promote platitudes should link up to whatever planet is sending them the messages? What does it take for you guys to understand? Obamacare is a financial nightmare for the vast amount of Americans. It's good for his new voters though.
  21. What do you want me to do, repost without the "offensive" words? You still won't answer the questions because you don't have an answer to them. Why don't you just answer the questions, call me a horse's ass for my deeply offensive portrayal of people who feel rather than think, and wait for my response? What is going to make them do that?
  22. So, you've already said you want to debate it so why don't you try to answer the questions that followed the line that so offended you? How is all of this going to get paid for?
  23. Do any of you who espouse the wonderful ACA want to discuss the practicality of the plan, rather than to continue talking about (and sniffing) the rainbow farting unicorns? Tell me how it will improve actual health care. How will it improve health care costs? How will the tens of thousands of new government employees make things better? Please be specific.
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